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In the place of opposition.

In the opposing place.

In the opposite place.

In the place of resistance.

In the noisey place.

In the place that disturbs you.

In the absent place.

In the place that lacks presence.

In the empty place.

In the quiet place.

In the turbulent waters.

As the storm approaches.

As the waves crash.

In the opposing place.

You sense the increasing noise.

You feel the wave upon wave.

You feel the increasing wind upon your face.

In the place of turbulence.

In the place of opposition.

Instead of opposition.

A substitution.

An absence of that which opposes.

A presence of that which approaches.

My hand is outstretched towards you.

In the place of brokenness, I have broken through.

Amidst the ruins I am here.

For I see you looking around at all the ruins, wondering how you got here?

Your enemy tries to convince you that the ruins you see are a sign of your defeat, but it was his wall that you have broken through.

I see you wonder how you will repair the breach that I have created.

You want to fix that which is broken, yet I want you to move on into the territory that I have given you.

For some things were designed to be broken, were designed for breaking, and only provide a means to an end.

The shell's purpose is to contain, to protect, to provide shelter, and yet when the appointed time comes, and it has served its purpose, it lies broken on the ground as that which was contained, now rises, is now set free.

And yet Lord you came to bind up that which was broken, to restore, to bring wholeness, to bring the turnaround.

Some things are designed for wholeness, some things are designed for brokenness, some are designed for openness, some are designed for closeness.

Some things are broken that were designed to be whole, some things are whole that were designed to be broken.

Some creatures were designed for containment, until the time of their birth.

Some creatures are designed for transport, to bring wholeness to that which is broken, to that which is hidden.

What did you design me for Lord?

To set the captives free, to bring wholeness to that which was broken, to bring freedom and break through, to break that which holds the captive, to release that which brings wholeness, to radiate my light into their darkness.

I see you wrestling with yourself again.

I see the frustration evident in this moment.

Yes Lord what is a king without a kingdom, what is the point of a pulpit if no-one is seated before it? You say unto me that you have given me authority, and dominion, and power, and that “they will follow me”, and yet though they express an interest, they fail to step forward when called to do so.

Does not the King make a declaration?

Does not the King make a proclamation?

Does not the King make a claim, to proclaim, to reclaim, to stake a claim, to support his claim, to stand upon his claim?

For the King speaks from a position he possesses, a throne I have given him, with the authority I have endorsed.

So how should I speak to those who are yet to respond?

As though they want to follow but are unsure of themselves, are fearful of the future.

I see you in your humanity so relate to how they feel.

Yet I see you in your divinity so driven to take the stand, to make a stand, to stand out, to call them up, to call them out.

On the other side I see much joy and happiness, much celebration, the sound of relief as they now feel empowered to take the next step.

I see them slipping in the miry clay and sinking further into the mud. How do I help them out when they have their arms crossed?

My word went out and they responded.

My word became an event.

They responded to my word.

They assembled before my word.

They gathered before my word in order to gather that which I sowed before them.

They received a seed that was designed for growth, not produce that was already fully grown.

I spoke their language in order to bring them to an understanding of my language.

For faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word.

For their ears opened in response to my word.

For their mouths opened in response to the reading of the word.

The word evoked a response.

The word interrupted their situation.

I spoke peace and the storm was stilled.

I spoke joy and their face lit up.

I revealed myself and they came closer.

I went out and they came in.

I showed them a new way.

I made a way.

Make a way for us Lord, part the waters, may they enter the path of the brokenness, for you have broken through and made a way.

Micah 2:13
The Breaker will go up before them. They will break through, pass in through the gate and go out through it, and their King will pass on before them, the Lord at their head.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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