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One after the other.

One after the next.

One following another.

In sequence.

A sequence of release.

A sequence of rippling.

A rippling affect.

Forming a queue.

An orderly queue that I have ordered.

One then another.

The first then an interval, then the next.

For one says to another “after you”.

Forming an orderly queue.

Evenly spaced.

Then an interval of concurrency.

Concurrent intervals.

Wave after wave.

From the trickle of the one to the flow of the many.

From the one drop shall come many streams.

For from my fruitfulness you shall multiply.

For your destiny is defined by who I have called you to be not your destination.

For your destination is defined by your destiny.

For I have called forth your fruit.

I say unto you now “be fruitful”.

For your latter days shall far exceed the glory of your former days.

For you back to be informed by your former self.

Yet I am calling you forward.

For your foresight shall be without peer. You shall know what is coming before the one who invents it.

For I see you struggling to contain what I have given you.

Like you are sitting on a treasure box that you don’t want opened.

And yet you cannot contain yourself.

In your worst state you will have greater impact than your former state.

For what you state about yourself shall define your state.

For your statement will define their state.

They will look to you for the “state of play”.

Be confident exuberant and expansive.

For I will put my words on your lips.

You will speak with my authority.

For your words shall bring order, shall define order, shall define destiny.

For you wonder how you will compete with another, yet you will have my authority.

Like the release of the greatest treasure.

They will look to you for my insight.

You will know the way.

For you shall walk on the well worn path that no one have walked before.

I have paved a way for you.

I will light your way.

And you shall light their way.

Be confident in this “I have chosen you for this task”, this is your assignment.

They will say unto you “that was illuminating”

I have equipped you for this task.

I will be your armour bearer.

I will supply the arms for battle, for victory, for utter domination in your place of dominion.

Just act like a king, for I have given you dominion.

The the king looks not to his qualifications but to the one who appointed him.

And I will bring order to your words, and from your words.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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