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For my thoughts are not your thoughts.

You think repair, replace instead of restore.

You accept the loss rather than see the gain.

You accept that which is unacceptable to me.

You want to patch things up, or throw it out.

How do you view that which is broken?

What about the pile of ashes?

This is what restoration looks like to me…

The mirage shall become a pool.

The desert a lush green pasture.

Streams in the desert.

The dead coming back to life.

A reshaping of the old shape.

A remoulding.

A remantling.

A bringing together not a pulling apart.

Presence in the place of absence.

A lifting up for the downcast.

New for old replacement.

A new season.

Growth in the dead place, in the dry place.

From insect to iron.

From worm to harrow.

From the lowly place to the place of confidence, exuberance, to the place of expansion.

Expand your thinking.

Expect more from me.

For the place of victory is above you.

Come up higher.

Be lifted up.

From beneath to above.

What is your posture?

Ask them “what is your posture?”

Arms crossed or arms open?

Embracing of what cannot be grasped?

Or arguing the toss?

Toss out your old thinking, repeat after me “I don’t give a toss!”

For my work is transformative.

My definition of continuous improvement.

I am not patching up the old, I am making all things new!

Say after me “that’s new!”.

Repeat after me “I have not seen that before!”

For I am without precedent.

There was no one like me before.

Before I am.

I am without tense.

I don’t say I was, I say I am.

I declare things that are not as though they are.

My words form my world.

What are you saying about your future?

You want to say it is a grind.

Yet you know not what it is that you are grinding.

Grace seasoned with salt!

You are my refiner.

You are my sifter.

You are my mixer.

A new blend.

A new mix.

A new pattern.

For there is a process to transformation.

First a calling.

A calling up.

Say unto yourself “come up higher!”

Be up not down.

Consider yourself above it.

Look down on that which come against you.

Say to yourself “I am above it”

Second the restoration of power.

You once operated in the dark, yet now I have turned the light on!

Once imprisoned in the dark, locked into position by your captors, awaiting the end to come, accepting of your fate.

Yet I have caused you to awake.

Say unto yourself “get up”

For it is I that has called you to arise!

For through you I will cause a shift.

A shift in position.

A shift in mindset.

A shift in expectation.

Say unto them “I refuse to accept”

It is time to awake, time to arise, time to get up!

Arise from the prostrate state.

Say unto yourself “GET UP!”

Shout unto yourself GET UP!!!!!

For I have not called you to be down.

I have not called you to bury yourself beneath, but to rise above.

I rebuke your shyness!

Let my boldness rise within you!

Be resolute.

Be outstanding.

For I have called you to stand out.

For my power is displayed in your midst.

They will say unto themselves “where did that light come from?”

They will say unto you “who turned on the light!”

Did I not say that your light will shine like the noon day!

For I have chosen to set you ablaze.

To bring my fire.

To illuminate the darkness.

For I have called you to bring release.

Break out of captivity.

Show them what freedom looks like.

This is not an incremental shift.

This is a mind blowing event.

For the light shines in the darkness and is not overcome by it.

Speak to them on the subject “Restoration of sight”

For he who is blind cannot see my light.

Say unto them “do not come to your senses.”

Say unto them “just follow my lead.”

Ask me to open their eyes!

That they may see my glory.

That they may see their circumstances differently.

Say unto them “where have you found yourself?”

In a rut?

Stuck in a routine?

Stuck with a limitation?

Robbed of what matters to you?

Deprived of connection?

Let’s go for a walk.

Come away with me.

Here take my hand.

Walk with me into the light.

Come and see.

Come and see for yourself.

Behold I am making all things new.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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