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Inside Out

Inside Out.

Let’s go.

Is this not a cry of your heart?

Would you not rather be in than out?

Yet, your posture now is to turn in, but I want you to turn out.

Be not inward, be outward, be toward, be forward.

For try as you might, try with all your might, you cannot stay in.

You want to stay, when I have asked you to go.

For you need no walls.

For here you sit in the place without walls.

Exposed for all to see.

For I want you to see out, to look out, to get out, to show the way out.

For whose side are you on?

The side of the in, or the side of the out.

The line drawn in the sand.

For so long you have done the work on the inside, now I want you to do the work on the outside.

Be not in, but be out.

For I have given you so much to reveal.

For what was bestowed in secret is now made manifest.

For you hesitate, you want to stay under the covers, to remain in, to close yourself in.

For you still remember it now like it was yesterday, and I know you have no desire to be taken back there.

It was the second time you cried.

The first in the presence of your mother.

The second in the presence of your beloved.

”Strongholds bowing to the saviour, resurrection power over every single circumstance. His word stands final and forever.”

You remember the title of the book, it was called “Inside out”, and it was all about stripping off the layers of self protection.

Still to this day I don’t know what made me cry so much. I do remember my beloved saying that it was ok for me to look after myself and not to care so much for others, to always esteem them as greater than I. I do remember being so conflicted, so exposed, so torn apart. So loved by my beloved yet so torn asunder. ”You are the only one, so I will sing of your love, I just can’t get enough, I just want you, the Lord of my soul, the King of my heart. Jesus it’s you.” Yet here I find myself again. ”You can search the depths of me and love me to the core”

It is ok to show yourself, for it is I that covers you.

I have you covered.

It unfurls before you.

There is nowhere you can go that I am not present.

There is no path that you can take where I am not with you.

There is no wall you can construct that will keep me out.

You don’t need to protect yourself from me.

So unto me your wounds, so that I may bind them up.

For I need no evidence of your pain.

Yet won’t you enable me to touch you where it hurts the most?

Like a kiss from the lips of your beloved I reach out my hand to touch you.

For you describe her kiss as being teleported to heaven. You and I know what it is really like. For I know what is really going on. I am with you as you step from the earth and walk with me in heavenly places.

For I have anointed her lips with great joy. Does not your heart skip a beat when she smiles at you?

You are always happy to expose yourself to her, for you know the depths of her love for you and her acceptance of all that you are.

For to be intimate with her, is a taste of heaven, the coming together, the union where I command a blessing.

Yet to walk again on the outside is to expose yourself to the elements.

Yet am I not the shelter in your storm?

Always Lord. Yet I feel at the mercy of the elements, without security or authority.

Yet behold the old has gone and the new has come.

Here is what I want you to do, tune out all that is going on around you, and be consumed by my love, my affection and my touch. For I have got you covered.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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