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Inflexion Point

Well that was unexpected, that was unusual, that took me by surprise. One image, overlaid upon another.

In the dreaming place, in the place of dreams, in the quiet place, in the comfortable place, in the place of the darkness, in the place of the respite, in the place of rest.

I heard a conversation going on in the heaven…

“What shall we call him?”

There was silence as one of them wrote upon the stone.


Then the hand on another, wrote again upon the stone.


Then again the first one wrote again upon the stone.


And then one of them held up their handiwork. And I could see the inscription engraved, made of symbols, like a cartouche. Yet one set of symbols what overlaid upon another, you could see the layers, all the words at once, yet each having its own distinctive style.

For I am revealing that which was previously unknown and unheard of. The untold thing that is now being told. The unwritten story that is now manifest.

For there was a shift this week.

There was a twist in the story.

There was a turning point.

There was an expected shift. Something that you felt like never before, the new mix, the new manifestation, the remantling.

You still feel it now, in the shoulders.

Yes Lord, so true, a lightness, yet something so different too.

Today this day I have lifted the burdens from your shoulders.

Let me say that again.

Today this day I have lifted the burdens from your shoulders.

I was so cracking up when it happened. The look upon your face was priceless.

It was like you had become another person, and you saw yourself in the mirror and your face was almost a look of shock, but then a smile broke out upon your face. For you recognised who you were, and then recognised who you are.

When you said “I have done all of your roles”, you questioned whether this was the right thing to say as it could be seen to be arrogant, yet from that moment you had their attention.

Yet what is your reflection now?

It was a summary of the past, a reflection of that which was past.

You think it is a reflection point, a historical reflection, a memoir, yet for me it is an inflexion point.

You know what I mean?

A term used in economics, where something shifts so dramatically where what was a stable flat curve, trends towards a peak from that point.

What is it you see right now?

A graph with a flat line, that then peaks off the scale from a specific point. Like a heart beat.

I like that, “like a heart beat”. Like the beat of a drum, from a place without breath, to a place of breath. From a place without, sound to the place of movement. From the place of calm, to the place of the stirring.

As you looked back, I took you back in that moment to who you were.

For you had been in a room like this before, before the high and the mighty, before the cream of the crop, before the kings of industry.

Even as a youth, before the deans of universities, speaking to the “Top 500 businesses”.

I know what you are thinking right now…

“Oh how the mighty have fallen!”

Yet it is not as it seems.


For it seems to you that you have fallen from a great height.

Yet it seems to me that you have ascended to a great height, and the rulers of the land, the high and mighty will fall before you!

For I will cause them to bend their knee.

I will cause them to bow before you.

I will cause them to pay tribute.

I will cause them to do as you say!

I will command them to pay attention.

For as you looked back upon, I looked forward to.

For you still feel it now don’t you!

The lifting, the taking off, the removal of the garment, the armour, the sackcloth, the backpack full of burdens. I feel so much lighter now.

For today this day I have lifted the burden from your shoulders.

Today this day I have taken off the coat of exile.

I have removed the curse.

I have taken off that which was put upon you.

“The creative destruction of M…….”

These words have been burnt in my holy fire.

Yet as you put on your suit, it brought back so many memories, so many good times, time of my favour.

Yet now is the time of the times, the times of multiplied favour.

I so cracked up at your answer to a question, you could feel my laughter, my endorsement as you spoke my words in response.

“What does the future look like for your business?” He asked…

Hundreds and thousands of customers!

What a laugh! What a joy! What a delight!

For it shall indeed be as you have said!

Yet in the place of the taking off, there was also a putting on!

It was so different than you expected.

For you spoke with my royal authority.

You commanded their attention, to come to attention.

I said so many things, even mentioned our desire for the health sector. I uncovered more that I expected, as there was agreement as to the giants in the land. Yet I was unfazed by their response, in fact more affirmed that our strategy was indeed the right one.

I am not surprised that was you said was indeed correct. For I am confident in my plans!

For I am watching over my word in order to perform it.

For in this era, you will command attention, compel action, cause your enemy to tremble as you approach.

For it is all in the approach.

For when the king walks by the servants of the king make a way.

For you can feel the change.

For I have bestowed upon you my royal authority. I have placed upon you my royal robe, for what you declare shall come to pass.

Be bold, be confident, be exuberant and expansive. Complete the nursery as I am getting ready to fill it.

Yet I will cause you to speak in a different language, in a foreign tongue, in a way you have not known before.

For you will symbolise all my authority and intent.

For you shall no longer be a symbol of that which was cursed, but be a symbol of abundance, a source of blessing for many generations to come.

Of the many symbols what is it you see now?

A bird.

Look it up, and write it down.

An eagle, a swallow, a falcon, an owl.

For the rejected one, the one sold by his family into slavery, the one placed in the pit, the one who rose from the darkness of the prison, to the ruler of the land, shall have a new name, shall have unbridled authority, shall report only to me.

For the one who was left to starve, shall be the one who brings my provision, shall be called provider.

The one who delivers his family from bondage, the one who sets the scene for the birth of a nation.

No need to put on anything. No need to pretend. For I have given you this mantle, this name, this authority, this dominion.

Expect me to fill the gap between that which is and that which is to come.

For the king shall have his entourage.

The same but so different. For the royal one, has so much more authority than any business man.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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