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Individually Wrapped

Individually wrapped

The wrapping glistens in the light, the reflection of the light. Bathed in my reflection. Bathed in my glory. For my glory shines. My pleasure is evident in the wrapping.

One layer upon another layer. When you push it has a spring to it. Made of nothing. Separated by nothing. Thin wrapping. Clear wrapping. See through. Wrapped but you can see what’s inside.

That which is solid, comes from that which is fluid. Cooled. At room temperature. Fired up, but now solid.

Designed for taste. Designed to rest upon the tongue. To melt in the mouth. To become fluid when digested. To take time to return to that which formed it.

Psalms 34:8 O taste and see that the Lord [our God] is good! Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) is the man who trusts and takes refuge in Him.

Resting on the net. Each wrapper designed for its designated position. Freed from the others that surround it. The cool drops on the wrapping and rests with sufficient weight to break through that contains, but to yet be held by that which wraps it up.

I wrapping it up. Each one, individually. Different flavours but all from the same factory.

Wrapped with a twist. Each one with its own unique twist. Not twisted but each with its own unique twist.

Flooded. Awash with the flow. Dripping with it. Like you have just come out of the drink. You grab a towel to dry off. Yet it becomes fully soaked, and you remain wet. Saturated with my flow. My anointed flow. That which is dray becomes soaked by it. Cannot fully absorb it. It pours from your pores. Like a flood. Like a gush. Like a torrent. It bursts forth. From your belly it flows.

It becomes solid, unbreakable when it flows over that which is hot. The fluid contains the heat. Is not stopped but is changed by heat.

Like a wave it flows. It rises. It crests. It impacts the sure. It ripples. On drop creates a wave. A splash. A sound. The cymbal bashed. The tension in the air. A ripple. The strain. The clash. The heaviness in the air. You can feel it. The sound that bashes you. That disturbs you.

Contrast. Speak contrast. See contrast. Light and shade.

Feel the wash. Relax into it. Get wrapped up in it. Feel it all around.

Experience it. Like the sunburnt toe dipped into the cool water. Feel the calm. Feel the refresher. The joy of refreshment. Like the soothing balm on you feet, on your body. On your face. On the uncomfortable place, on the sore place, on the sore point. A drop in the sore point. On the injured place. On the broken place. On the broken skin. Where it hurts the most. Place my flow, my fluid, my ointment on the sore place.

Let me treat you. No let me treat you.

My treat. My shout. My blessing.

My care. My first aid. My first that aids. Experience my aid.

Don’t shy away. Don’t recoil. Trust me. This will help. Let me touch you where it hurts. First the flow. Then the wrapping. Not to bind bit to heal. Not to tie up but to restore. Not to restrict but to empower, to release.

My bindings bring release. My wrapping empowers. Brings strength. Provides support.

Allow me to treat you. Trust me. Let me touch you where it hurts. Better still. Better, still. Be still. Remain calm. No agitation. Do not be agitated. No more shaking. No more tremors. No more irritation. The touch of irritation. The sound. The noise. The incessant disturbance. Let me cover you. Let me attend to you.

Let me cover it. I want to cover it. I’ve got it covered. I’ve got you covered. Let me dress it. Let me address you. I’m sending you something. It’s in the mail. It will cover it.

A huge wave. A huge impact. Disturbs the flow. Pushes against the anchor. A huge weight shifts. Moves like a plough. Digs a trench. Establishes a new path for the flow. Breaks through the dry ground. The dryness. That which has never experienced water. Shall be drenched by it. Soaked by it. Never the same again. The dry shall become wet. That which could not grow anything is now fertile. The lush green pasture, from the desert sand. How could this be. It is my flow. The water that lives. That contains life. My substance.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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