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In Your Face

You won’t let go…

For I have hold of you.

I’m not letting go.

For I have hold of you.

I’m not letting you go.

I’m not letting go of you.

I am not separating myself from you.

I am not withdrawing myself from you.

I’m not running away.

I’m not scared of what you are going through.

I’m not scarred by what you have gone through.

Yet I am with you still.

I am still here.

I am still with you.

I’m not letting go of your hand.

I’m holding on tight.

For you are my beloved.

You are my chosen love.

You are the one I chose from the beginning.

For It was an eye opening moment.

For her eye closed and then it opened.

And then.

And then.

And then.

Your eyes were opened!

It was an eye opening moment.

For you received all that you asked for, and so much more!

You asked for your mind to be blown, and it has never been the same again.

For in your midst.

For right in your midst.

For my love is bold, my love is forthright, my love knows no bounds, does not take no for an acceptable answer. For it only accepts what is to come, not what just is right now.

My love sits in your lap.

My love looks you in the face.

My love is in your face.

My love comes up close and personal.

My love longs to come close.

My love is not shy.

My love is not timid.

My love is bold.

My love can only help it self.

My love is impetuous.

My love is passionate.

My love longs to come close.

My love knows no bounds.

My love is not bounded by knowledge.

My love does not look from afar and observe, my love must come close.

My love longs to express herself.

My love aches for your presence.

My love must be with you.

My love must take hold of you.

My love holds you fast, and will not let go.

My love has no desire to be elsewhere.

My love has nothing else on her mind but you.

My love is without limit.

My love wraps herself around you, and holds you close.

My love crosses the line.

My love exposes herself.

My love comes out of hiding.

My love covers you.

My love is poured out upon you.

For you know, what it is like to be known.

For my love uncovers herself.

My love undresses herself.

My love puts herself on display.

My love is confident in her beauty.

My love exudes grace and mercy, pours out kindness of a different kind.

My love is majestic.

My love changes everything.

My love knows no boundary.

For you remember the time.

For you remember the time of the times.

For you know what it is like to have a good time.

For you know what it is like to be known.

For you remember the passion of my love.

You remember the overflow of my love.

The afterglow.

For when the glory comes.

For when my glory comes.

For when my glory embraces you, everything changes, nothing else is material, nothing else has consequence, nothing has weight, nothing else matters.

For in the place of the knowing, my love is transformative.

For who wants to step back when you feel this love?

Only the one who feels unworthy.

Yet my love makes you worthy.

For my love conquers all.

My love wins.

My love is poured out.

Can you feel me?

Yes I feel you Lord.

Can you receive from me?

I can feel your breath upon me.

Am I coming on too strong?

When I look back, I would be nothing without her love, without her boldness, without her kindness, without her pursuit, without her smile. It is her strength that lifts me up. Yet it is her beauty that is engraved on my soul, and etched on every memory. For I dwell in the presence of greatness.

For my love is moving.

My love is on the move.

My love moves you.

My love compels you to move.

My love brings forth movement.

My love draws out your love.

My love draws.

My love gives shape to the unknown, to the uncertain, to that which is mysterious.

For my love longs to be known.

Yet my love is beyond knowing.

My love invites you in.

My love beckons to you.

My love calls for you.

My love asks for your number.

My love seeks you out.

My love will not shut you in.

My love calls you out.

My love caresses you.

My love arouses you.

My love excites you.

My love strengthens you.

My love hopes for you.

My love carries you.

My love holds your hand.

My love will never let you go.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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