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In the Mist

In the mist.

In the midst.

A subtle thing.

A small thing.

A majestic thing.

A drop in the air.

Floating like the breeze.

Floating in the breeze.



Not seen, only felt.

A gentle thing.

A subtle thing.

A kiss from heaven.

A caress on your cheek.

A feeling of substance.

A feeling of my presence.

A feeling unsurpassed.

Yet a feeling that must be felt.

A small thing, yet such a big thing.

So different from the fog.

For the fog blurs your vision, blocks your ability to see beyond, to see that which is beyond. It slows your speed, it causes you to squint, to look down, in order to look forward. It elevates your fear, it heightens your senses, it causes you to be alarmed, to set your alarm, to fear to take another step forward.

Yet my mist invites you to take a step, invites you to move forward, to look forward, to take a step forward, to advance and not retreat, to come out, to explore, to be out and not in.

You feel its caress upon your face, like heaven resting upon the face of the earth.

A subtle thing, embraced by the one who loves to embrace, the one who spreads his arms wide in anticipation of the embrace.

For you must embrace that which you cannot grasp.

You must feel that which only you can see, you must receive my touch.

Gentle at first.

Surprising at first.

Shocking at first.

Unexpected at first.

Then a step of wonder.

An opportunity to wonder.

An opportunity to embrace wonder.

For when the light shines.

For when the light shines.

For when the light shines.

For when the light shines.

For when my light shines.

For when my light reveals.

For when my light brings light.

For when my light illuminates.

For when the eyes of your heart are enlightened.

For when you are open.

For when you are inviting.

For when you open your eyes.

For when you refuse to stay in the dark.

For when you refuse to keep your eyes shut.

For when you see again.

For when you look again.

For when you are open again.

For when you step out again.

For when you come out again.

For when you refuse to be in.

For when you manifest yourself.

For when you reveal yourself.

For when you come out.

For when you expose yourself.

For when you stand out.

For when you step out.

For when you rest your foot upon the stage.

For when you step upon the stage.

For when you take up your position.

For when you arise.

For when you hold out your hand.

For when you put your hand up.

For when you present yourself for selection.

For when you say “pick me”

All of heaven shall respond to you.

All of heaven shall applaud you.

All of heaven shall endorse you.

All of heaven rises to promote you.

For I shall not be unto you as I was before.

There shall be no closed doors in this season.

For all of heaven is open to you.

For when the flower unfurls.

For when the season changes.

For when the bloom comes.

For when that which was closed is open.

For I am opening the doors for you.

For I am unfurling that which now opens before you.

It will be a whole new experience for you.

Unlike anything before.

Let my mist invade.

Let me light the way.

Let me showcase my glory.

Give me permission to open the door.

Step out.

Take a step out.

Put your head first.

For you have my endorsement.

All of heaven welcomes you.

I declare that you are worthy.

I declare that you are worthy of this position.

For I have reserved this place for you.

Do not value the gift based on the way in which it is received.

For the gift of my sons life was considered to be of no value to many.

You are so valuable to me.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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