In Security
Insecurity or in security?
For you don't know what you are wearing.
For one fits into the crowd, the other stands out in a crowd.
For one retreats, the other advances.
For one stands back, the other steps forward.
For one avoids controversy, the other advances towards it.
For one shrinks back, the other expands and flexes his muscles.
For one cowers, the other knows how to respond.
One is trained to respond, the other only reacts.
For you feel the pain of the persistent questioning.
Question after question they came, like a barrage of baggage.
The accumulation of baggage, the accumulation of experiences, the clash of what was, and what is to come.
For they want to contain it, to view it as a "learned expert", pontificating their pre-eminence before you.
And yet you want to release it, as my chosen one, to wrestle with their contention, until they are content.
They baited you to come, and try as you might to keep your distance, they forced you into the stadium to "strut your stuff"
And what are you most annoyed about?
The scene, the constant battle, the never ending contention, with everyone who wants to speak for me, or challenge my expertise, or assert their ignorance. Why is it so hard to just give the gift you have given me, and for them to receive it?
It is their insolence.
It is their ego.
It is their "so-called" wisdom.
It is their manner of speaking "like they know it all", when really they are just a "smart Alec".
I had to intervene, I had to stop the contention, I had to bring in reinforcements, I had to speak for you, I had to endorse you, I had to speak on your behalf.
For one can only puff up, but two or more can endorse.
For one only contends, in the mouth of many there is contention, or their is the means for contentment.
From contention to contentment requires wisdom, requires leadership, requires confidence, requires assurance, requires evidence of a new way, requires an embrace of that which is unknown, and letting go of what is before, and a receiving of that which comes after.
For you shall rise above that which is beneath you.
For you fear you will be tarnished in the experience of it all.
Like the one pushed into the mud, and held under, the one who is muddied by the experience of what was before.
Yet what is it you see now?
The one who is lifted out of the mire and the mud, the one who stands above, the one who is steadfast, the one who is resolute, the one who carries your resolution. For the resolution comes to those who have the resolve to bear it, to receive it, to embrace it.
For you are that one.
For the weakling is pushed into the mud.
The warrior rises from the mud, only to slay the one who is unaware of his presence.
The warrior is not wearied by his surroundings, and has no fear in the presence of his enemy, for he knows he is equipped for the battle, he has trained his mind and his body to respond at the opportune time.
For it is appropriate for the the King in training, to spar with those who are able to fight.
And yet when the war comes, the fighters look to the King for direction, and know the power I have placed in his hand to utterly destroy his opponent.
For you play with them now, but soon you will utterly destroy your opponent.
For now you call him out, from a place of insecurity. But then you will dismiss him as one of your subjects.
For do you not see, have you not heard?
Today this day, I have made you a mighty fortress and given you divine strength that no hostile power can overcome.
For I know you feel the intensity of the contention, and yet the solution is not to abandon the stadium, but to overcome that which overwhelms you.
For you do not fight from a place of weakness, but from the seat of power and authority.
For my power flows through, and my wisdom from your tongue.
Get this into your heart and soul, you are my chosen one, you are the one I have called to lead them out.
The more you withdraw, the more I beckon to you to come forward.
For you know I have equipped you with the best arguments, and you cannot sit back and sit on the seat of the spectator.
And yet you are humble enough to embrace the reflections of another on your "performance."
You feel right now the pain of the assessment, and your own assessment.
And yet you do not receive the encouragement of the one who bears the title of "Governor". They all speak of their capabilities in governance, and yet he is the acknowledged authority.
And all he could say was "thanks for a great session today" and invite you to consider how best we should proceed.
So when the one in authority defers to you for direction, what does that say about your position?
The one in lesser authority defers to the one who has greater authority.
Yes that is correct.
For now is the time to craft the war plan, now is the time to "spar" in order to spur you on, and to refine your approach.
For those who contend with you now, will soon join with you in the war that is to come, and soon arrives.
For you know so much more than you think you know, for that which is unknown has been revealed to you.
So press into the mud, for your footsteps shall define the path ahead.