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In Pieces

In peaces.

In the place of multiplied peace.

Rest in the place of peace.

Just receive my peace.

Let my peace pervade.

Let my peace invade.

Make room for peace, in the midst of your pieces.

Clear out the pieces and make room for my peace.

Just be touched.

Just receive my touch.

I know you are feeling touchy about so many things.

In the place of agitation receive my touch.

Embrace that which you cannot grasp.

I can barely hold on to myself, I have to distract myself in order to keep it together.

This is because you anticipate more brokenness, when I anticipate wholeness.

I feel like I have lost so much, and now the possibility of losing all that matters to me.

But you weigh yourself down with appearance, with speculation, with the notion that you can somehow fix what is to come, or do something to alter the path you are on.

Have you not been paying attention?

Say "Of Course" not "Off Course". Seems a nice mantra, but not my reality!

The challenge is your belief, not your circumstance.

For if you walk by sight, you will come to a point of paralysis.

For the path I have chosen for you is the narrow path of great adventure.

Remember you "are not an ordinary person!"

For the ordinary person takes the ordinary path to a lacklustre conclusion.

The extraordinary person takes the path upon the edge of destruction, only to find himself in a whole new realm.

For did I not just give you a glimpse of that reality!

Yes Lord you just showed up as I was walking, to take me into a whole new realm, who else do i know that has that as their regular experience? NO-ONE! And yet when I awake from the day dream, my reality is more of a nightmare.

At some point when you walk through the valley of the shadows, you must come out of the shadows.

For as your emerge you shall step into my glory.

For my glory shines upon you now.

For you underestimate the power I have given you.

For you way underestimate the power I have given you.

For you act out of your weakness, you act out your weakness, rather than operate in my strength.

For it is like you have locked your superhero cape in the deepest vault and thrown away the key.

Yet you think this is the end of it, but an upgrade is coming, a promotion is coming, a new mantle rests beside you, all you need to do is pick it up, and try it on.

All I feel is the contrast. When I step into Church, I can barely walk, and within moments I need to take a seat. And yet you show me over and over, over and over, over and over great visions of people rising from their disability into fullness, chains breaking all over the place. I see a great manifestation of your power all over the place, the room shaking in your presence, the devils foundation shattered and scattered, broken before my eyes. And yet I am without position, I must follow protocol, and all I find is my body shaking, and my hope disappointed.

It is like you have given me the greatest gift, the greatest power, but I am left concealing it, restraining it, pushing back against it.

And yet you shall stand upon my watchtower.

And you cause me to feel it again, and you cause me to experience it again. A mighty army coming against God's people and as I lifted my hands, they fell and stumbled, they felt the wave of your power flowing against them, and soon they were overcome and turned back.

A mighty scene, for my mighty one.

Since when did you care so much about protocol?

For I know what you are about to say..

"I am so weary of the battle"

Yet you know what I am going to say to that!

You were destined to be a mighty warrior, to be the one who fights on behalf of God.

For with great power comes a great purpose.

For you act like this is a human battle, a battle for humanity.

Go ahead and try and stop my power from flowing within you and breaking out all around you!

You crack me up!

For you were always meant to break the chains.

For are you not LEGION!

For I have given you the strength of a thousand men, and yet you restrain yourself by some concern for decorum!

For I intend to set fire to the enemies camp.

A break out of my spirit never seen before!

A raucous explosion of my grace that everyone will speak about.

For I am removing your suppression order!

Consider it REVOKED!

Don't hold back for you will not be embarrassed!

For it is time to lay aside the weight of this world, and put on your mantle.

For you shall push back the tide.

For you shall turn the tide against all who opposed you.

For what is it I have shown you now?

A vision of me sitting on my throne, laughing harder and harder, breaking out with such laughter at the absolute futility of my enemies plans against me.

For I have declared his plans FUTILE!

I speak these words over his plans "WHAT A WASTE OF EFFORT!"

"The curse is broken"

And my church will arise.

And it shall be glorious!

"The curse is broken, we will see your kingdom flood this earth"

For I am stirring a new thing, a new movement, a fresh movement, an opposing movement against all that rise against my agenda.

For I see you trying to become, what you already are.

For I see you trying to become, what you already are.

"Spirit of God you burn within us"

For it is time to bring heaven to earth.

It is time to be radical.

It is time to break the established patterns.

Everyone is looking for the incremental shift, when I have given you that which is exponential.

Multiplied multiples, more multiplied, multiplied multitudes.

For you shall stand at the forefront, as my forerunner.

For you shall be like Shammah, for those who attack you shall be utterly defeated.

2 Samuel 23:11-12
And next to him was Shammah, the son of Agee the Hararite. The Philistines gathered together at Lehi, where there was a plot of ground full of lentils, and the men fled from the Philistines.
But he took his stand in the midst of the plot and defended it and struck down the Philistines, and the LORD worked a great victory.

You see what lies before you as an opportunity for defeat, and yet I see it as the opportunity for complete victory!.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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