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Pressed upon.

Under pressure.


Feeling the pressure?

Impressed upon.


I feel anything but that Lord! When I speak from my own understanding - I just confuse myself.

The question is “what are you wearing?”

I’m just worn out, and my clothes reflect that!

You are lacking a sense of occasion.

For you dress up for an occasion.

You suit up for an adventure.

You put on that which is necessary for the destination of your arrival.

You sit and ponder what is appropriate for the occasion.

There you sit with those who look confused, for they wear the suit on the top, but jeans on the bottom. They are dressed to reveal themselves in part, but when you look at the whole it looks like a mismatch.

Be intentional.

Have intention.

When you can’t find your purpose, reflect mine.

For what is the point of a super suit, when you refuse to wear it?

I’m not sure that it possesses any real power Lord, as it’s impact is yet to be revealed. For I went out to meet with those who wanted to strut their stuff, and I was left underwhelmed, although affirmed by you.

Be confident, exuberant and expansive, for I say so!

For you shall be confident, exuberant and expansive.

When you lack your own confidence, just express mine.

How can that which possesses my lustre, be so lacklustre?

For you cover up that which radiates within you.

You felt it last night, so strongly.

You held yourself back, you restrained yourself, you cut yourself off.

For you felt like Moses being told to veil his face, due to the brilliance that shined from it.

Come out of hiding.

Show yourself.

Reveal yourself.

Be yourself.

Be fired up.

Be my fire.

For how shall the flickering embers come back to life without your touch?

Caught between, I feel so caught between, caught in the change room, not wearing what I was, yet not wearing that which you have laid out for me. I am lost without you, so lost without you. The whimpering, confused, clumsy Clark Kent, not the Superman you intended.

Do you really think it matters what you wear?

It is all about the state of your mind.

It is all about how you see yourself?

You can’t be half hearted about this, about your purpose.

For the half hearted approach leads to a half baked outcome, neither hot or cold, but half cooked.

“Strip everything away, until all I have is you. Undo the veil until all I see is you”

Yes strip everything away.

“Open my eyes. Search me inside. I can’t live without your presence”

For the most intimate relationship requires, indeed insists upon the absence of clothes.

Full exposure is the natural way.

The unveiling is my way.

The revelation of my goodness is my intent.

For my love cannot be controlled, my love cannot be shrink wrapped and presented in a nice neat box.

My love is organic.

My love is always unique.

You could read all the books on love, you could distil it down to the look, the touch, the coming together, the climax, the burst of joy, and the recovery.

You know the mechanics, you know what to do, but now you are so much in awe and wonder, that you struggle to respond, to love her as you want. You enjoy her presence so much, that whilst present in the body, your spirit is with me in heaven.

For to be loved by her, is to be loved by me.

To unwrap her, is to unwrap the mysteries of my love.

Each encounter is never the same.

Each moment so different from the last.

Even when you are not in the mood, my love is towards you.

Even when you are irritated, stressed, downcast, discouraged, annoyed, frustrated, my love is towards you.

My arms are open wide, awaiting your arrival.

You wonder how to present yourself.

I am in wonder at your arrival.

I care not for what you wear, only what wears you down.

I care that you are worn out, not what you wear out.

I care what you think of yourself, more that what you think.

When you ponder what to say, how to think, how to perform I’m tuned out.

When you look in my direction, you have my full attention.

I love the sound of your voice.

You wonder what to say, when I’m happy to give you the words, even give you lessons in how to position your mouth.

You wonder how to perform when you are out.

I am just glad to see you out.

For I’m keen to display my treasure, not for it to sit in a box.

You wonder how people will react to you.

You want to cover your face, even before they have asked you to.

Come out of seclusion my shy and too modest dove.

Let me hear your voice, let me see your face.

For your voice is soothing, and your face is ravishing.

I’m so in love with you.

Nothing else matters.

I love to be out with you.

I am delighted to go out with you.

I’m not shy about our relationship.

You want to cover yourself up.

You want to hide yourself in the darkness.

But I have made you to be the light.

To be my delight.

You love to be out with your beautiful wife.

You are so proud of who she is, and all that she represents.

She can never mess up your moment, for she is your delight.

Just be yourself.

Let me do the performing.

Let me come from the background, into the foreground.

Let me run the show, let me put on a show, let me showcase my glory.

For it shall be glorious.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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