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What is your pressure?

What pressures you?

What causes an impression?

What brings forth a depression?

An event?

A circumstance?

An infringement?

A violation?

An act of violence?

A withdrawal?

An advance?

A coming?

A going?

A going of that which you expected to come?

A weight?

A wait?

A prolonged arrival?

A lengthy departure?

The arrival of glory?

The proclamation of darkness.

For that which presses on you is immaterial.

That which impresses you is material.

That which pushes down on you is not from me.

For I have caused you to arise.

That which causes an advance is from me.

That which causes a withdrawal is not from me.

For shrinking back is not my style.

For that which is startling to one, gets another started.

For the confident one only moves forward.

The confidence one is the one who possesses his reward.

For the insecure one lacks, the secure one has all that he needs.

Are you getting the message?

What is the difference between

I shall not want

I have everything I need

I shall not lack

For it is all the same to me.

For the one who possesses my gift, has no lack.

For I have said before the apprehensive one has not comprehended that which has apprehended.

For it is of no consequence, it is inconsequential what is taken away.

It matters not what is taken, only that which is received, only that which is held, only that which remains.

For upon the mountain you will sit.

The elevated place is your appointed place, is the place of your possession.

For you shall not be beholden to another, but only behold. Just be and hold.

For I am showing you off. I have nothing else to show you.

The coronation is your parade. No need for anything else.

You are all that matters to me.

Nothing shall move you.

All shall be moved by you.

I have raised you to be the answer.

For every question has an answer.

No need to change the answer only the question.

Points of intersection.

Intersecting points.

Many paths, one established path.

A crossing over without crossing.

The path of the immovable.

One moves the other gives way.

This is what a moving fortress looks like.

This is my doing.

This is the work of my hands.

This is what I call making an impression.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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