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I don’t want to impose upon you?

Where did this word come from?

Who told you to say this?

You think it is just a courtesy.

You lower yourself to their level and then wonder why you struggle to get up.

You begin to clothe yourself in darkness.

To hide your light in order to reduce the glare.

Yet there you found yourself prophesying to your cousin.

Delivering strong words of power, and of faith.

You found yourself rising up, lifting me up.

You could see the look of fire in his eyes.

You could see the presence of my joy filling his heart.

You could feel my presence and my Fire rise within you.

There you found yourself delivering my word, packaging it all up so nicely. You could even quote me, word for word.

So let your light shine before men, that they may see your moral excellence and glorify God.

For a brief moment you could see the light shine.

It was a glimmer of hope and a sliver of faith.

Could it not be that God intended for Gideon to defeat the enemy as one man?

You asked the question.

You pushed the issue.

You both celebrated the moment.

Then you felt yourself withdrawing.

Perhaps you were too bold, you asked yourself?



For you know these are not my words.

What is it I have shown you?

What is it that you see?

The finest robe placed upon me.

Yes you know what this means.

For I did not ask your permission to do this.

I did not say “I don’t want to impose.”

I just laid my mantle upon you.

I just chose you, regardless of what you have done, what you think, who you are.

I love how you keep coming back to me.

I love spending time with you.

I love sharing my fire with you.

For you see it don’t you?

A wall of flame all around the room. Burning up the walls, with greater and greater intensity.

Yet what is it I have placed in you hand?

One moment a soothing, refreshing stream. The next moment the flame of intense fire.

Here is what I want to say about it. Listen carefully.

When you empathise you reflect their light.

When you prophesy you reflect my light.

It is time to fan the flame.

For I intend to burn down the enemies camp.

What you see burning is the enemies camp.

For you are my fire starter.

It is time to burn.

We feel you all around us, we feel you surround us, and our hearts cry out holy!



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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