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I’m Making Arrangements

I’m Making Arrangements

The walls shake upon their foundation.

There is movement on the foundation. Where you do not expect movement.

The foundation moves. Not a break in the wall but that which holds it moves.

That which holds it, moves.

It is for your expansion. For that which was built, was too small. Renovation for expansion.

This is too small for you. This is too small, it cannot contain the size of what shall fill it.

2 Kings 6:1-2 THE SONS of the prophets said to Elisha, Look now, the place where we live before you is too small for us. Let us go to the Jordan, and each man get there a [house] beam; and let us make us a place there where we may dwell. And he answered, Go.

Movement, move in. Just start to move in, fill it. Place the furniture in.

Take that which you have, and unpack it. Place each item in place. For each has a place.

It looks like you don’t have much to move. Keep placing it, keep the placement. When it is full, you shall find a room packed full of furniture. Crammed to capacity. No room to move in the movement.

When you have moved, you will find no room to move.

It is then that you will find new room, new rooms, hidden rooms. Space that you could not find. Open space. Wide open spaces. For I shall bring you into wide open spaces. By hands open wide. Wide open doors. Without restriction. No closed doors. No doors.

Revelation 3:7-8 And to the angel (messenger) of the assembly (church) in Philadelphia write: These are the words of the Holy One, the True One, He Who has the key of David, Who opens and no one shall shut, Who shuts and no one shall open: I know your [record of] works and what you are doing. See! I have set before you a door wide open which no one is able to shut; I know that you have but little power, and yet you have kept My Word and guarded My message and have not renounced or denied My name.

We shall remove the doors. Make an open space. No more confinement.

Indoors without doors. Under cover but outside. Unrestricted movement. Nothing, no thing shall stop your movement.

This is a new movement a new symphony. I’m building a crescendo, it swells up, it is swell, it will be swell.

And the cords strain at the weight. The chains are bowed at the weight. My fullness weighs upon your tent. It covers your covering.

Isaiah 54:2-4 Enlarge the place of your tent, and let the curtains of your habitations be stretched out; spare not; lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes, For you will spread abroad to the right hand and to the left; and your offspring will possess the nations and make the desolate cities to be inhabited. Fear not, for you shall not be ashamed; neither be confounded and depressed, for you shall not be put to shame. For you shall forget the shame of your youth, and you shall not [seriously] remember the reproach of your widowhood any more.

It is the tent of meeting. It is the place of meeting. When you meet it is the place where I shall meet. Let us arrange to meet. Arrange a meeting and let me make the arrangements.

Exodus 33:7 Now Moses used to take [his own] tent and pitch it outside the camp, far off from the camp, and he called it the tent of meeting [of God with His own people]. And everyone who sought the Lord went out to [that temporary] tent of meeting which was outside the camp. Exodus 33:11 And the Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend….

Let me make an arrangement. Let me put a few things together. Let me make something beautiful.

You can place my arrangement upon the place with pride. Give it pride of place.

I’ll water it and preserve it it will be like it is in a pot, but in a vase. The base clear, no soil, nothing to make it grow and yet it will be alive like no other. It shall be self sustaining, for I shall sustain it.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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