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Hot and Steamy

For the flow pours out upon the dry ground.

Dryness all around, death all around, no life, no growth, no water.

For the ground thirsts for my flow.

It longs for my outpouring.

Everywhere you walk you see and feel the mud.

For that which is wet, that which is saturated, impacts that which is dry.

This is no mirage, this is no haze, this is my Oasis.

This is my habitation, this is my flow, this is my space, this is my territory, this is my quiet place, my resting place, my place of comfort, my home in the place of oppression.

I am establishing a home in the place of oppression.

Amidst the heat, the haze, the daze, the blood, sweat and tears, a resting place.

For it is time to quench the thirst, and say ahhhhh!

Just chill, take a chill pill.

How wonderful is it to bathe in my goodness.

Just feel it for a moment. My Goodness….

For my flow laps at your feet. Has been doing laps at your feet. One wave upon another.

For it flows at your feet.

You feel the heat, you feel the pain, well feel my refreshing freshness.

Feel the cool breeze upon you face.

That’s it, I am doing a new for old replacement.

Here is my policy, my procedure, my terms and conditions.

The frown for the smile.

The stress for joy.

The pain for pleasure.

The discomfort for the comfort.

The irritation for the caress.

The angst for strength.

The discourage for the encourage.

The lack for the overflow.

The restraint for the release.

The confinement for freedom.

The no time for much time.

The absence for the presence.

The rejected, the dejected, the peasant, the down cast, the cast off, the cast out, the broken, the defeated, the isolated, the desolated, the dry, the weak, the hurt, the painful, the irritated, the warrior, the worrier, the contained, the confined…

The chosen, the anointed, the appointed, the king, the authority, the winner, the healed, the strong, the leader, the overcomer, the fullness, the overflowing, the abundant, the rich, the extravagant, the resource, the stream, the oasis.

For I am the mist in the midst, I determine the climate, I create the conditions, I set the terms, I create the atmosphere, I make all things new.

For this shall be a time of refreshing.

Plan for refreshments, be refreshed, pour out my refreshments, supply my refreshments.

For you shall be a source, a resource, a fountain, a geyser, the one who bursts forth.

From now on you shall be called the one who bursts forth, the one who brings joy, the one who quenches the thirst, the fountain.

For I cannot contain myself, and you shall not contain yourself.

Be free, be released for I have broken the containment line.

The enemy has backed you into a corner, but I command you to press against the line, the boundary line, break free, break the line that contains, just bring the house down.

Seriously bring the house down, for you shall be the instrument of destruction, I am bringing the enemies house down.

There shall be a collapse, a ruin, nothing left to show for their efforts, for that which has been contained, now bursts forth.

Break out, bust out, push out, break the containment line.

For that which those who oppose, have erected against you, shall crumble at your advance.

For I am against that which opposes you. They shall be like an ant pushing against an elephant.

What ability does an ant have to stop an elephant?

For you go with my flow.

What can stop my flow?

For I have stirred myself up, I have caused a disturbance.

For a tidal wave is coming, I have turned the tide, I am making waves.

I rise against that which comes against me. I pour out across the land.

You feel it now don’t you, your hand shakes in response.

For the desolate place shall be filled.

I am filling you up to overflow.

For the flow shall be majestic, you see it now don’t you?

It glistens in the light of the sun, it reflects my glory, it is a refreshing stream.

It breaks free all around, bursting forth with joy and wonder.

The lack broken in an instant, the desolate place filled.

You see it now don’t you, a feast in the place of lack.

Your party was just a forerunner, a small feat, a small feast in the place of absolute lack.

Lets have a party, lets invite the downcast, the rejected, the needy, the dispossessed, the lost, the dry, the thirsty.

Celebrate my goodness, celebrate in advance of my goodness, for my goodness is surely coming.

My goodness has been following you all along, and soon it will overtake you, for I am overtaking and recovering all. You shall be recovered, like a tatty piece of old furniture, restored recovered, an antique restored, and placed in pride of place.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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