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So there you found yourself.

So there you found yourself alone with your mother.

The others attending to your father.

Yet I had sent you to attend to your mother.

Before the trip, attending to the lost.

After the trip, attending to the found.

Before the departure, attending to the present, attending to the one who was present.

For my presence attended.

For my presence was present.

For it was always so hard for you to get the word out.

Time and time.

Time and time again, you would start to speak, only to be cut off, to be interrupted, only to be cancelled out, only to be disregarded.

Words of honour spoken, actions of dishonour so evident.

Yet I created an opportunity for you.

In the stillness, in the quietness, I sent you to be with your mother.

Such a firm grip.

Such a firm grip.

Despite the state of her hands, such a firm grip.

She held fast to your hand.

Just like your daughter, she has such a firm grip.

I have told her to hold on!

For she holds on to hope.

I sent you bearing hope.

I sent you as my deliverer.

I sent you to speak hope, to deposit hope, to elevate hope, to prophesy hope, to carry hope.

In that moment, in the final moment, at the point of imminent departure, hope arrived, hope was given, hope was received.

Yet for so many, all they noticed was your absence.

Like a zombie you walked around, walking amongst the dead, entangled by those blind and unable to see.

Yet I sent glimmers of hope amongst you.

Shining brightly like the sun.

In the darkness, such dullness.

In the light, such brightness.

So much to reflect.

So much to reflect upon.

So little time to reflect.

After a time.

Once upon a time, you veiled your face.

blow in the caverns of my soul, pour in deep to overflow…

You could feel the cords of Sheol all around you, wrapping around you.

The manifestation of evil.

The vision of evil.

The outpouring of evil.

The Devil coming in like a flood.

Overwhelmed and drowning in the darkness.

Yet it was I that caused your light to shine.

When you had the opportunity.

When you had the opportunity.

There you were.

There you found yourself.

Even amidst the restraints, the constraints, the dullness I caused your light to shine.

Was it not from your lips these words came “Rise and shine”.

A glimmer of hope.

A ray of sunshine.

The morning of the mourning.

Amidst the morning of the mourning I was true to my word.

Amidst the storm, from the heavy rain, I veiled my approach.

When in the inside I was working on the outside.

Entering the darkness, you could hear the music playing.

It was my announcement, the announcement of my presence.

Can you not feel the hope rise?

I have cancelled the Devils suppression order.

For my hope cannot be smothered, or covered.

My hope always breaks cover.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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