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Holy Smoke

You say “up in smoke.”

I say “holy smoke!”

Repeat after me and say “holy smoke!”

For it burns upon the edge.

For it burns upon the edge.

For it rages upon the edge.

For it smoulders upon the edge.

For it smokes upon the edge.

Amidst the haze.

Amidst the smoke.

Amidst the smog.

Amidst the smell.

Amidst the burning.

Up in smoke!

For where there is smoke my fire burns.

I am fanning the flame.

I am stirring the embers.

I am blowing upon it.

I am breathing upon it.

I am breathing life into it.

See the sparks fly!

See the embers fly up.

See the smoke fade.

See the intensity of the flame.

For I am fuelling the flame.

For I am putting my fuel upon the fire.

Amidst the blackness.

In the place of darkness my fire burns.

For you can see the glow upon the edge.

For you see the red. For you see the red upon the edge. For you see red when you look upon the edge. You feel the blood trickle down the edge. You feel the loss, the tearing, the tears, the destruction, the breaking, the burning, the smoke, the ruins of all that you cared about.

You look and see the ashes, you feel the blackness of the spot upon your fingers as you have sifted through the ruins, looking for that which remains, the treasure that once was.


Before you break down and come to a halt. Before you place yourself upon the fire.

Take another look!

Take another look!

Look again.


What is it you see!

My hands on fire! Your fire raging in my hands!

Go ahead and place your hands upon this place. Go ahead and place your hands upon the broken edge. Go ahead, for I have gone ahead of you.

Place your hands upon the place.

Place you hands upon the place of fire.

Place your hand upon the broken pieces.

Place your hands upon my kindling!

Place your hand upon the fireplace.

Place your hand upon my altar.

Place your hand upon the place that I will alter. For in this place I will provide an alternative! For upon the altar I will alter.

For in the place of the broken.

For in the place of the ruins.

For in the place of loss.

For in the place of ashes.

I will bring forth beauty!

For you shall call it beautiful!

Yes go ahead.

Yes go ahead.

Yes go forward.

Yes skip to the end.

Yes declare that which lies before you “beautiful!”

For in the place of tears.

For in the sowing of so many tears.

There shall be a reaping of great joy.

For for every tear, I am bringing forth joy.

For I am standing in the gap.

For I am planting my feet in the midst.

For I am standing on the broken pieces, and bringing forth joy.

For in my presence is fullness.

For in my presence is fullness not lack.

For in my presence is fullness of joy

For I am giving you the oil of joy for your mourning. I am pouring out my joy in the place of your mourning. I am bringing my overflowing cup in the place of your greatest lack.

For I see you locking up your joy.

I see you covering your joy.

I see you limiting your joy.

I see you holding back your joy.

Like holding your self on the edge of a giant water slide afraid to let yourself go, in case you fall!


Is this not your favourite activity (well second favourite haha!).


But what is with that? For you love to throw yourself down off the edge, and enjoy the ride!But now you hold yourself back. But now you have stopped going for your joy rides. Now you look at the price of petrol and come home!


I command you to stop it!


For I am breaking open my treasure box!

I am splashing out!

I am overflowing!

I am pouring out.

What is to come is so much more than enough.

Did I not promise that when you have had enough that I would give your more?

Yes Lord, I declare that I have had enough! Over to you, to fulfil your promise to me.

Well I command a blessing and you need to agree with me and walk in it.

Go out and possess the land that I have set before you.

I command them to get into alignment.

I command an alignment that you have never seen before.

For MY FIRE burns upon the edge!


For my light shines in the darkest place and is not intimidated by it, and cannot be held back, it burns through anything that gets in the way, it rises over that which elevates itself before it.

For my glory shines upon you.

Get in agreement. Burst forth in joyful expectation!

Don’t plan your exit, plan your entry!

Everywhere you put your foot I am giving unto you. Test me in this. Look and see.

Watch for a full expression of my delight.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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