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High Definition

For this shall be the year of defining moments.

Moments of definition.

Moments of high impact.

Great momentum.

For I am changing your definition.

From latent to manifest.

From mourning to dancing.

From solid to expansive.

From stable to joyful.

For you shall be known as the joyful one, wed to the joyful one, an outpouring of joy.

For I am pouring out the oil of joy, abundant joy, an overflow of joy, an abundance of joy.

Let’s make a splash, for the ripples flow across the land now, the enemy quakes before you.

Let’s have another look, the fountain of blessing flows across the table, my table, bringing life to all it touches.

You feel it now it wells up inside you, trembling, quaking, much shaking, a rising up, an uprising, a bursting forth, with great impact.

You remember it now, you hear the cry “fall back, fall back, we are overcome”.

For the enemy scatters before your advance, like the staff banging on the ground the ants flee and scatter before you as the ground shakes.

You know what happened before, you feel it again now don’t you, the cry of victory, and a great scattering and scampering away, a running away, a slamming the door, for the enemy trembles at your feet.

For I have given you great power, beyond your wildest imagination, to cast down, to overthrow, to manifest my presence.

For the very room quakes in your presence.

You try with all your might to keep it in, to contain, and yet it wells up inside you, I well up inside you.

For it is time to release my power, it cannot be contained, it shall burst forth now.

For the time is now, through you I shall cause an uprising, a rising up, a new beginning, a season of my manifest presence.

Whatever you touch shall be impacted, for I have given you authority, whatever you ask in my name, I will give to you.

You feel the cool breeze now, in the place of warmth, in the place of fire, your face glows with my fire, and yet my coolness is upon you. How can this be?

For I am making you cool, you will be the latest trend, people will hear about you and want to be part of it.

For this is not the same old, this is the same new. This is a time of transformation, from insect to iron, from worm to Harrow, through you I will thresh the mountains, I will harvest the mountains. I will reap a surplus from that which stood in your way, I’m claiming a return on my investment.

For you shall reap a hundredfold from the season of the famine. Why? Because I have commanded this blessing.

You wonder how you will accomplish all that I have set before you, yet you shall be like Moses. He possessed only my staff and my presence and yet brought victory for my people.

I’m taking it up another notch, another level, another dimension.

Expect supernatural, astonishing moments of great impact, for what has gone before is merely a taste of what is to come.

I hope I have not interrupted your processing…



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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