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Hidden Strength

Be lifted up.

So we lift you high.

Be lifted up.

I am lifting you up.

Do not be downcast Oh my soul, for yet will I praise him.

Don’t look down.

Don’t be down.

For He makes me to lie down.

For when you are down you must lie down.

For there shall be no crawling.

There shall be no kneeling.

There shall be no deference.

There shall be no reverence.

For the appointed one, need not look up to his subjects.

Yet he calls them to look up, and not down.

For how does one know where to go by looking down.

Who consults the ground for direction?

Does not one look up to see the landmark.

For one is inspired by the spire.

The one in the pit looks up to the light.

For it is I who lifts you up.

For my hand is outstretched towards you.

Do you need a hand?

That is the question.

That is my question?

For the son does not kneel before his father.

Indeed the son embraces the father.

The son honours the father.

Yet the father speaks so highly of his son.

For I am speaking highly of you.

My words shall lift you up before men.

Have you heard about my son?

These words regularly flow from your lips.

Indeed are these not your words?

There are few people in the world I look up to my son, but you are right up there. The way you deal with difficult situations and do not shy away from the hard things is so commendable.

Yet you feel the shyness rise within you.

Why so insecure? ask yourself.

I can’t say I know how you feel, as I am supremely confident!

Yet what is it you see? How is it you feel?

I see the bruises, I feel the pain, I count the great loss of so much. My reflection is that of a bruised and battered warrior, with blood splattered all over him, and his precious armour torn and broken.

Yet who needs protection?

For my intent is to expose you!

What is it you see now?

The tearing away of the tears, the ripping apart of that which remains, the removing of all that remains, to reveal all that lies beneath.

Yet what is it that lies beneath?

The superman suit, the golden suit, the impenetrable armour, your gift to me.

Yes for you remember the moment like it was yesterday.

In the unusual place, in the unexpected place, waiting for your favourite prophet to speak. There you were under the radar, minding your own business, when the unexpected happened...

The strongest looking man, came down from the stage, in the midst of worship, only to approach me. I remember the size of his muscles, but it was overshadowed by the tears on his face, the fear in his eyes. He asked me whether he could share what the Lord had shown him. As he placed his hand upon me, the tears began to flow from both of us. He described a huge battle in the heavenly realm. And warned me to maintain my posture of worship. As he spoke the words, you showed me a vision that has remained with me ever since.
Me wearing a golden suit of armour, made from the skin of a snake, impenetrable, yet could flex and move easily. As I moved there was a flash of glory, a reflection of great glory, a light shining brighter than the sun. Like a cue for your army to move, for when I moved they all moved with me, in perfect sync. As I zoomed out I could see the fear in my enemies eyes for behind me stood a huge giant angel.
Then the man asked me for a hug. I found myself comforting the strongest man I have ever seen.

For the strong comforts the weak.

For how did you feel at that moment?

So strong, the strongest I had ever felt. For with thousands following my every move how could I not be confident?

Yet as your write that how do you feel?

Like I have a thousand followers.

Yet the strength I have put in you far surpasses that of your opponent.

For you remember the strong man, yet forget that you were the one comforting him!

For you feel insecure for you know not that you are in my security.

For the ones who surround you are on your side. Are for you not against you. I have given them responsibility for you.

For who is afraid of their own security team?

For the who possesses the most power, on earth has his own security team.

Yet the one who possesses divine power has no need of protection.

For quietness and confidence shall be your strength.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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