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Have a Ball

For this is how I roll.

This is how I roll the dice.

This is how I play the game.

First the throw down.

Then the roll.

What number will come up?

Will your number come up?

What a laugh. For how does that which is a sphere land on one side!

You remember what you used to enjoy the most as a child?

Yes Lord, I loved to play with marbles. Bowling one in the direction of another looking for a hit. Scoring when you hit.

Well you are going to love this.

You bowl me over Lord. I find myself just going for a walk and there I am bowled over by your love, your revelation.

I love to make you laugh.

This is going to be so much fun.

From the cube to the sphere.

From that which has a side, to that which rolls with it.

From that which comes to a point, to that which has momentum.

For one builds upon the other.

For the sphere is merely the cube with a few refinements, with a refined edge.

For I have come to defy the odds.

This is how I roll.

From the high risk place, from the challenging odds, to the place of the roll.

For what is in your hand responds to the curvature of the land, in accordance with my law.

From the painful place of rolling the dice, to the joyful place of playing with marbles.

On first impression you think this is an ordinary thing, merely child’s play.

For it requires no effort, only to let go.

Yet repeat after me “great balls of fire!”

Take a closer look. Look again upon that which I have put in your hand.

Is this not the seed of fire?!

Is this not my unique fruit?

For I have not forgotten my promise to you.

For this contains my unique essence, a flash of lightning, a burst of glory, at is core my fire, my warmth, my delight, my being.

The essence of my presence.

Not too hot, not to hot to handle, light to carry, yet full of so much power.

For what you project I shall manifest.

You see it branching out, you feel it bursting forth.

Some seeds so much bigger than others.

Is this not my organic container.

For who was it that determined the size of the fruit.

Why does the grape stop growing when it does?

Is it not by my design and in my nature that the grapefruit is so much larger than the grape?

Yet both are fit for purpose. For one size does not fit all. How boring if all the fruit was the same size!

Yet it is no coincidence that most fruit is spherical.

For the circle is a symbol of my infinite capacity.

Yet a byproduct is to bring forth movement, to enable the roll.

For there are those that walk, and there are those that respond to the roll.

It is time to rock and roll.

For you shall be staggered at what comes next.

Prepare to be bowled over.

It is time to go bowling.

It is time to release all that I have put in your hand.

It is time to pour out all my joy and delight.

So different from before, yet it will be as though this has always been your experience.

For I am restoring the years to you.

For so long you cannot remember when.

I am bringing back your laughter.

I am restoring your delight.

You know what I am talking about.

What a laugh.

Yes what a laugh.

For I am breaking the chains of bondage, I am releasing my fire, I am pouring out my seed, my light.

Balls of delight.

Go and find some marbles and let’s play. I’ll play with you.

It’s going to be so much fun.

This is my plan for a rollout.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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