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Get a grip.

Here take my hand.

I’m lifting you out of mire.

From the place of no traction to the place of great acceleration.

Here give me your hand.

Here take my hand.

For from now on you shall be awash with my glory.

I’m anointing you.

I’m giving you my robe of authority.

But what is it you see underneath?

Layer upon layer of caked on mud. Like sandpaper in my skin, grating against the fine attire you have placed on me.

And yet this was always part of the plan.

For how shall that which possesses no soil bear fruit?

For it is the mud that carries my seed.

For it provides the substance to go with my flow to bring forth my fruit.

For I have taken you on this road.

For I have brought you through the mud.

For it is the mud of your experience that carries my seed.

As the residue is washed away it bears much fruit.

For you see the hand of the one covered in mud as bringing much grip.

For when the mud has dried, the grip returns to your hand.

For now the path of the slip, now provides the means towards the grip, the method towards the fruit, the supply for that which is to come.

You will come to know that who you are provides the basis for all that is fruitful.

For first the mud, then the drawing out.

For the muddy soil is merely the oversaturated place.

For I have taken you out of the oversaturated place. The overwhelming place.

Into the place of abundance.

For the desert place becomes the place of abundance, from that which flows, from the muddy experience to the flowing muddy water that bears fruit.

Like the Nile flowing through the desert, it becomes a way of community, a place of dwelling, a place of fruitfulness.

For my hand is extended towards you.

And this is your established path. The path of accelerated growth. The flow of the spirit mixed with the seed placed into the mud of your experience.

Mark 4:20
And those sown on the good (well-adapted) soil are the ones who hear the Word and receive and accept and welcome it and bear fruit—some thirty times as much as was sown, some sixty times as much, and some [even] a hundred times as much.

And yet there is more, so much more.

For I have also placed in you my passion.

For I have given you the power to conceive.

For I have placed the word of my seed in your mouth.

Expect a season of fruitfulness like you have never seen before.

Speak my words with passion and see a new conception, a new movement, a flourishing and a blossoming.

Express yourself, reveal yourself, for you shall wear the robe of authority I have placed on you.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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