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Good Times

Are you up for a good time?

If these words came from your wife, no matter how you felt, no matter your situation, no matter how much pain you are in, you know what your response would be.

Without question.

Without hesitation.

Without contemplation.

Without consideration.

Without thinking of yourself.

I see it written all over your face

Try to hide it.

Try to cover it up.

But I can see the smile forming on your lips.

For you know anytime with her is a good time.

Yet I see you questioning yourself.

I see you trying to contain yourself.

I see you trying to hold yourself back, to hold yourself in.

I know you love the stories that start with...

Once upon a time...

And end with...

Happily ever after, driving off into the sunset with the girl of your dreams.

You ask yourself “How did I end up here?”

You feel like anytime is a hard time.

Over and over, over and over, many times over, you are so over it.

One challenge after another, one difficult thing multiplied, over and over, more and more.

You want to draw a line through the x for it only to become an asterisk.

The desire to eliminate, only serves to include.

The intention to wipe out, only serves to amplify.

Your desire to subtract only serves to multiply.

Here is how I see it

Pushed out from the place of comfort, dropped into the crowd, with a huge microphone, where every breath is heard, every step is recorded, every moment is viewed by the glaze of the crowd.
All I want to do is hide my face, and retreat back under the covers.

And yet let me give you another perspective on this moment..

The broken ones, the damaged ones, the bruised ones, the outcasts, the downcasts, the fearful ones, the dull ones, the dark ones, the dejected ones, the depressed ones. All gathered around to see what all the commotion is about. They all get a glimpse of you shining brightly like the sun. And yet when you put your hand over your face, the darkness returns, the clouds form and the thunder claps.

Have I not called you to stand in the gap?

Have I not called you to proclaim the good news.

Have I not called you to reveal my goodness?

You could feel the tears flow last night, you had advised them to bring the box of tissues for your beloved, but then you felt overcome by a wave of emotion.

For now you know what that was all about don’t you?

The revelation of your goodness, the unveiling of your goodness, your goodness on display in the centre of it all, the celebration of your goodness to so many, the overflowing cup poured out in the midst.

Did I not say in her I have placed all my delight?

Upon her I have poured out all my affection.

It was so becoming of her. Everything they said of her was so true, and yet barely scratched the surface of all you have placed in her heart.

I see you are uncertain, you are apprehensive of what I am going to say next.

I am making a withdrawal.

In the place where you want to withdraw yourself, I am making a withdrawal.

In the place where you want to step back, to hide yourself in the dungeon, to compose yourself, to restrain yourself, to bind yourself again, to lock yourself in and throw away the key, to imprison yourself, I am making a withdrawal.

For my investment shall return to me.

My investment shall come out of the vault and be placed on display.

What is it you see now?

A billion dollar necklace being placed around my neck.

Is this not the appropriate adornment for the one with this authority?

For the king does not wear the clothes of a pauper.

For what is it you see when I say “I am making a withdrawal”?

The cicada’s body withdrawing from the shell of what was, and coming out into the open to receive what is to come.

For what is the point of that which has been discarded?

For it has served it’s purpose.

For just as the baby discards the baby clothes for it has outgrown them, so too will you discard that which no longer serves a purpose.

For I am giving you a new body to work with.

A new instrument of transformation.

A new means of production.

Not a reproduction but a whole new thing.

For the incubation period comes to a close, and the birth is near.

Can the chicken return to it’s egg?

Can that which was destined to roam free, return again to its captivity?

For now is the time you need to agree with me, to walk with me, to enjoy the parade as I parade you before the multitudes.

For you know what I have bestowed upon you is no subtle thing, my light will shine so brightly, and shall not be contained.

Zechariah 9:16-17
And the Lord their God will save them on that day as the flock of His people, for they shall be as the [precious] jewels of a crown, lifted high over and shining glitteringly upon His land.
For how great is God’s goodness and how great is His beauty! And how great [He will make Israel’s] goodliness and [Israel’s] beauty! Grain shall make the young men thrive and fresh wine the maidens. Zechariah 9:16-17

For in this season I intend to put you on display, to show off all my affection, to pour out a blessing that cannot be contained.

For I command a blessing, you need to agree with me and walk in it.

Walk like a winner, walk like you are loved more than you love your wife.

For your face is indeed ravishing, and your voice is soothing.

Come out of seclusion my shy and modest dove.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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