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I’m so overwhelmed by your love Lord!

There shall be a transference.

From the one to the other.

From the one to the many.

From the many to the one.

Place your hand in the flow and watch what happens next.

First the intensity of the flow.

Like a raging torrent it flows, a strong force of nature, my power on display in force.

For I have broken open the floodgates.

Such a great outpouring you won’t believe it.

You pause and wonder how you will withstand it.

Yet place your hand in the flow, in the flood and see what happens next.

A transference.

For the one flow shall become many in your hand. For it rises up by your hand like a fountain.

Now look again at the colour of it, the substance of it. Remove your hand from it and see what I have done.

My arm, my hand covered in gold.

Now look again at that which flows beneath you.

The gold dissolves and it returns to normal.

Now return your hand to that which flows. What is it you see?

The whole stream becomes a flow of gold.

For my treasure now rains upon you.

What is surplus to me, now rains upon you.

Look up now what is it you see?

Flakes of gold falling all around like a snow storm.
In a moment the land as far as I can see is covered in gold.
And a giant eagle soaring above it all covered in gold but still able to fly.

Now look at yourself again. What is it you see?

My golden skin flaking off, and flakes of gold filling the atmosphere all around.

Like a cat moulting hair, you shall moult golden flakes.

And wherever you place your hand my gold shall flow from your fingers. For you shall write in the dirt with gold. For that which is of no value to you shall have the most value.

For you desire not the gold of man, but I desire to pour out that which is all my desire for you.

Like the broken box poured out for me, I have broken the box and now pour out for you.

For my glory shall flow from your hand.

Is this not my handiwork?

For that which is so hard to find and refine for man, shall be found by you, shall be found in you.

Wherever you walk my treasure shall be on display.

For the king wears the Crown Jewels in order to display the prosperity I have bestowed upon him.

For you shall wear it well.

For everyone shall know what you are wearing.

For you shall stand out in a crowd.

For you shall wear the mantle of royalty.

For what I have prepared for you is no ordinary thing!

For you cannot blend in.

It is your essence that shall permeate this land.

For you will not blend into your surroundings, your surroundings will reflect your presence, that you are present.

For the kingdom reflects the glory of the king!

For when Isaac came, the prosperity I bestowed upon him, overflowed that which was barren, that which was in lack.

It shall be the same for you.

For they shall know that I have chosen you, that I have appointed you.

For you shall be the rainmaker.

The one everyone wants on their team.

The multiplier.

The one who multiplies.

The one who brings my fruit.

The one who creates opportunities for all.

For your anointing is the flow of gold.

For I am anointing you with the oil of gold.

More and more, an overflow of that which is so much more than you could ever imagine.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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