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Give me a Break!

Give me a Break!

And the cords of Sheol wrapped around me tightly. Struggling to breathe. Restrained, constrained, held down, holding back the constant stream of fear… I’m anxious about. I’m worried about. What if this… What if that… I’m afraid that. I’m afraid of… I’m anxious about… I’m concerned that… We should plan for the worst. We should make decisions based on our anxiety. We should list off all our fears. We should ask our fears for direction. We should consult our fears for advice. TIME OUT! Just stop it! GIVE ME A BREAK!

“Just let go of your worries, only one thing is needed, just be still and know”

For I am holding your hand.

For it is I that holds your hand.

Hear these words from my lips….

Isaiah 41:13 For I the Lord your God hold your right hand; I am the Lord, Who says to you, Fear not; I will help you!

For in response to my word, you held the hand of your father.

And what was it you felt?

Such a strong grip, the power of your strength, the immense power of your presence, a great calm, the flowing out of your comfort, your courage.

For I have sent you to break the bonds of fear.

For you woke up with this vision didn’t you.

Describe it for me…

Here let me help you..

Such dullness…

Abject dullness.

The mantle of fear wrapped around each of them so tightly.

The downcast look.

The posture of the captive.

Exalting the captor.

Consulting their fears for advice.

A white wash.

White washed tombs.

Yet now you know.

Yet now I have revealed myself to you.

Arise Legion and break the chains.

Walk amongst the tombstones and break the chains.

For I am breaking the chains.

Ask me to give you a break.

Repeat after me “Give me a break!”

One more time “Give me a break!”

For like Samson, when those compelled by fear, held captive by fear, handed their champion over, bound and held captive, you find yourself surrounded by fear.

Yet my fire rests upon you.

It is time to break the chains of fear.

I’m lighting a fire in the enemies camp.

For they all run around afraid of the foxes, yet it is I that lights the flame upon them.

I am burning the threads of their garment of fear.

Breaking patterns.

Tearing apart the fibres of their being.

Break the wiring, shorting the circuit.

It is time to put on my mantle.

Take up the mantle of fire.

It is time to get fired up.

Release my fire.

Fan the flame of my fire.

For when you walk through the fire, it shall not kindle upon you.

For I have come to consume all fear, to walk with you in the fire, through the fire.

Set aflame.

Light my fire.

Set your face like flint.

For when you are struck, release my spark.

It is time to go out, gird your sword at your side, and ride out triumphantly….



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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