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It’s playtime.

Why don’t you come out and play?

I would rather not. It’s not my style. I’ve got things to do. Important things. It’s been such a long time… A long time since I just had fun. These days I don’t have time for fun.

Yet it is I that calls you out.

I’ve been called out before. ”Why don’t you come out on to the dance floor” they said. ”Why don’t you have a beer” they said. Why don’t you have fun just like everyone else they say. It’s party time they say.

I am rejecting, rejection.

I am casting out, the exiled, the excluded, the downcast, the ones that don’t fit in.

Isolated or set apart?

You choose?

I have made my choice.

I have chosen you.

I chose you first.

My chosen, my choice, my chosen instrument.

I have fashioned you for this purpose.

I have uniquely designed you to be unique.

You have tried to fit in, to be one of the crowd. But my spirit rose up within you.

You are non conformist.

You refuse to conform.

You hate to be told. You refuse any pattern but mine.

I have called you to be my righteous rebel.

My instrument that presses back on the established pattern.

You like to retrace the pattern, rework the pattern, alter the pattern, mess with the pattern.

Yet I am going to teach you how to have fun.

Step 1 – be free. Yes be free. Just lay aside every weight, every restriction. Be bound up by freedom.

Step 2 – step out. Yes be not in, be out. I am pushing you out. It is my hand that pushes you out on to the stage.

Step 3 – get comfortable with speaking to large crowds.

Step 4 – expect glory. Much glory. Bursting forth in glory. Radiance is my synonym for glory, for joy. For you shall be like a newly wed. Your face will shine. Everyone will know of the love you have experienced, my love, the love of your beloved. You did not have to work at being joyful then. For it burst forth from your in most being. You feel it again now don’t you. The love of your beloved like never before, more intense than ever before.

For I am blowing your mind, I am blowing on your mind.

Like the dry bones, I’m breathing on your mind.

Be not afraid of the tears, be not silent in your expression.

Did I not say burst forth.?

For I am overflowing the bank, the boundaries, replacing the old lack mindset with the new beyond your imagination abundance.

You feel it in your bones, something has shifted, the thing that was about to move, has moved. It is far beyond your reach and yet it describes the circumference of the boundary, the territory I have given unto you.

I’m starting at the highest pinnacle of not just your experience, but beyond your earliest hopes, imaginations and dreams.

This is what restoration looks like. Let’s start with abject lack, and then pour out so much it cannot be contained.

This is the overflowing cup.

This is your cup.

For I shall not lack I will overflow.

This is the place of overflow.

More than you can imagine.

Just imagine.

I’m starting with your imagination. I am restoring your imagination.

You imagined, your fantasised, you dreamed of that which would be the most enjoyable, the place beyond your reality.

Yet this is now your reality.

Let’s imagine together. For it shall be wonderful, it shall be full of wonder.

For I am placing you at the centre.

I have chosen you for this purpose.

You are the centre of my attention.

For you shall be known as “loved beyond measure, beyond fullness, the radiant one”



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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