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Full Power

Updated: Jul 25, 2021

Full Power

It’s a throw back.

Indeed it is a throw back.

What the devil gives you just throw it back.

Tell him “it’s a throw back.”

For that which was is no more.

The was is no more.

That which was is no more.

There is no more from what was.

What I have for you is brand new.

For the new wine does not fit in the old wine skin.

A new mix.

A remix.

A remixing.

A new mixture.

A new blend.

A new taste.

A refreshing taste.

The taste that refreshes.

For what will you do with that which is old?

Yet my abundance weighs heavily on the place of lack.

More than you can contain.

It bursts forth all around.

Soon you will be bursting at the seams.

Yet now you are bursting at the seems.

You say unto yourself…

It seems to me. It is apparent to me.

Yet it is just an apparition.

Your enemy wants to squeeze the life out of you.

You feel the containment, the confinement like never before.

But it is not as it seems.

For I am expanding you.

For I am expanding you.

I am stretching your boundaries.

For it is only when you are beyond it….

It is only when you cross the line.

In uncharted waters.

You go looking for the chart, the map, the landmark, the familiar but it is not there to be found.

You are looking for the plan but cannot see the vision.

What is it you see!

Seriously what is it you see!

For have I not given you the eyes of Elisha!

Raining from the heavens above. Plop, plop, plop!

Is it not time to take a stand!

For your enemy is no match for you!

For your enemy is no match for you!

For he calls you to take a seat, when I have called you to take a stand!

For he rises before your advance.

Yet in a moment he shall tremble before your feet.

For your actions shall cause the very earth to shake.

For it is time to come up higher.

Have I not given you the high ground!

Stand upon the high ground!

Take what it is I have given you!

Have I not called you to break the chains!

For you have not tapped into your strength.

You are too busy trying to be Clark Kent when I have anointed you for greatness.

You hear the testimonies, you struggle with all the tests, yet it is my word upon your lips that has such power!

It is time to open your mouth again!

Declare this, decree that, here let me give you the words to say…

For the biggest chains shall break at your touch. No effort shall be required. Say unto yourself “too easy” Laugh at your enemy. For you are a power player. Say unto yourself “I have too much power”! For the very ground breaks at your advance.

Did I not say “more than enough” not barely adequate.

For your enemy preaches the gospel of lack, seeks to pull you down, tells you how much you will be embarrassed.

Yet these are not my words…

Isaiah 54:4 Don’t be afraid—you’re not going to be embarrassed. Don’t hold back—you’re not going to come up short. You’ll forget all about the humiliations of your youth, and the indignities of being a widow will fade from memory.

It is so not true that you are left alone!

Who told you, you were like a widow!

For you sit there mourning over all that you have lost, yet it is I that holds your hand!

Isaiah 54:5-6 For your Maker is your bridegroom, his name, GOD-of-the-Angel-Armies! Your Redeemer is The Holy of Israel, known as God of the whole earth. You were like an abandoned wife, devastated with grief, and GOD welcomed you back, Like a woman married young and then left,” says your God.

Say unto yourself “Good grief”

Say unto yourself “My goodness”

For I have welcomed you back.

Not a throw back, but a full restoration.

Beyond all your expectations.

It is time to get beyond your limitations.

It is time to crows the line.

For now is the time to take a stand.

For you cannot be seated when I have called you to arise!

It is time to stand out from the crowd.

For it is I that has set you apart.

Test me in this.

Receive your own words.

Prophesy unto yourself.

For my greatest power rests upon you.

It is time to suit up. For you are well suited to this position.



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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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