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Full Expression

Wasn’t it so great to just be yourself!

Fit for a unique purpose.

Designed for this purpose.

Designed for this sole purpose.

To express yourself.

To express myself.

To express the fullness of my expression.

To bestow my kindness.

To share my warmth.

To light their way.

To illuminate their path.

To radiate my glory.

For you try to contain yourself.

Yet you want to release yourself.

For we you release yourself, you release me.

For your release brings their release.

Don’t try to be, just be.

What is it you see?

Me standing in the lake, burning up with your fire, the reflection of the fire dancing upon the waves, bringing light to the edge of the wave. Not diminished by the wave, lighting up the waves, bringing warmth and glory to the atmosphere.

You fear the waves will overwhelm you.

You wonder about your light, your flame, and the size of the wave.

But what is it you see?

The waves splashing on the fire, yet having no impact, the flames rising higher and higher. The spray of the water ignited by the flames and bursting forth like fireworks.

For it is in the fullness.

For my light radiates in fullness.

You try not to be full of yourself.

Yet when you express my fullness, you just release me.

You are an active participant in any conversation.

Yes Lord but I am so tired of just showing up, I’m not sure what impact I want to have moving forward. For your glory shines and then appears to leave without impact, and appears to have no lasting affect?

For I know you want to be just like your beloved, for when she is present I am present, for without uttering a word she has such a powerful impact.

For you can see and observe what happens before she arrives, and then after she leaves, yet you do not see what is the impact of your absence.

For when fire lights that which is material you see the impact.

Yet when fire warms the water you feel the impact.

Yet your impact is not what you expect.

For your expectation is that the water will put the fire out.

And there you sit.

And there you sit pondering the fire, feeling like an ember, feeling the steam, pondering the steam, wondering when the fire will go out. Wanting to remove the ember in order to preserve the vestiges of yourself, your fire, your passion.

Yet what is it you see?

The water that would normally put the fire out being transformed into oil that burns with fire.

For my fire is transformative.

For my fire does not consume, it expresses my fullness, it is the light of my glory.

For what is it you see now?

The placing of my hands on the water causes it to burn with your holy fire, lighting up all around, in a full display of your glory.

For it is in your hands.

For I have placed my glorious fire in your hands.

And your enemy would like to convince you that he provides the fuel for your fire. He wants you to be fired up by his attack, or to put your fire out when the next wave washes over you.

Yet your fire comes from within, not without.

You remember well times of great fire, you see and they feel my fire when you put your hands upon them.

Do not be overwhelmed by the wave, release my fire.

Have no fear of the impact.

For you shall bring my warmth, my fire, the light of my glory, beyond the natural boundary, beyond the edge, over the edge.

What is it you see now?

My hands bringing warmth to the frozen land, melting away the ice, bringing fertility to the soil, changing the conditions, preparing the ground for the harvest.

Just lay hands on it, for I have laid my hands on you.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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