Full Expression
Full Expression
How is it you feel?
What does it feel like?
What is the feeling like?
How does it feel?
What is it like to feel?
For you know what it is like to feel pain.
You know what it is like to feel pleasure.
Yet you are so focused on endurance, that you have not felt for such a long time.
For you don’t want to feel it.
Taught to tune out your feelings, all you now feel is numb.
For you don’t want to express yourself.
For you think your expression is a divide by zero error.
You choose not to feel.
You have locked yourself in, you have locked yourself down, yet I know what you are feeling inside.
The push back.
The weight of the pressure.
The taking of the toll.
“For it has taken its toll” you say to yourself. For you have paid a high price.
Yet you are not for sale.
What I have placed in you is worth so much more than you think.
You’d rather be reasonable, you’d rather express reason than emotion.
Yet there is one exception.
There is one you consider an exception.
For you cannot hold back your love.
You say to yourself “resistance is futile”, for my love flows out from your innermost being.
The highlight of your departure, the highlight of your father departure, was the word given by one. The unexpected one, the one who once stepped back, the one whom everyone was concerned about the most, the one who all had written off except you. You considered her to be the creative one, the unique one, the one who expressed herself fully.
Then there you were, there you had found yourself in the place of endurance, the place where you were once again enduring another wave of pain, of opposition, of rejection.
There you found yourself telling everyone to express themselves, yet could not express yourself. You considered it a victory that you had held it together.
Yet there you were, there you found yourself without comfort, abandoned by all, yet choosing to comfort others, choosing to comfort strangers, choosing to be there for them, even when no one was there to comfort you.
In you I have deposited much strength! So much strength.
Now, in this moment you find yourself taken a back.
Back to this moment, back to another shocking experience.
The paddles upon your chest, intended to shock you back into life.
One upon another, time after time.
Yet even from the beginning you were not dead, but alive. At each shock you felt my strength flowing more and more into your body. You remember vividly these words from me “what would kill anyone else will just make you stronger.”
So here you found yourself in the presence of your extended family. And there she was the rejected one, the restored one, the anointed one, extending herself towards you.
For I put my words upon her lips.
You spoke with such love and warmth, from the moment you stood upon the stage the atmosphere changed, I could feel such a change in the atmosphere….
It took you by surprise, for try as you might, try with all your might to hold back your expression, to contain yourself, to endure that which was most difficult, to in your words “to keep it together”, I expressed myself through you.
For you can no longer hide in the shadows, for you have walked through the valley of the shadow.
My light shines upon you like the noon day.
I have chosen to fully express myself through you.
For I will have full expression.
For you shall fully express me.
For you shall be the expression of fullness.
For the time of outpouring is here.
For the fountain of blessing contained within you for so long.
For that which has been repressed.
For that which has been held back.
For that which has been held in storage.
Now bursts forth across the land.
For you shall bring forth multiplication upon the right and upon the left, fields upon fields of harvest. As far as the eye can see, as far as your eyes can see.
For you cannot divide by zero, yet you will cause your enemy to slip up, to be divided, to error in their way, to stumble in their steps.
I know you cannot multiply by zero, for in the natural nothing times something results in more than nothing.
Yet I am not limited by your maths.
I am not restricted, I call something out from nothing, from the place without it, from the the place of lack, to the place of fullness.
Your enemy wants to highlight all the obstacles, all the areas of lack. Yet I speak fullness in every way in everything.
Nothing has any bearing on my plans.
No thing has any bearing on my plans.
The absence of something has no bearing on my plans.
I am not waiting for you to have it all together.
Do you not see!
Have you not heard!
When you are busily trying to hold yourself together, I am expressing myself!
Be full.
Your nothing alongside my something is sufficient, is complete, will have full expression.
Zero alongside anything by my calculations is a multiple, let’s start with a multiple of ten.
You want to hold yourself back. You want to subtract yourself, but you only need to multiply.
Your presence is a multiplier.
Your presence evokes my expression.
Your presence causes me to express myself.
You can feel me rising up within you.
For you spoke so well.
For you have my full endorsement.
You are my beloved son.
I am well pleased with you.
Indeed we are agreement, it is time to arise and shine.
Reflect upon this.
Reflect my reflection.
Shine with my glory, for it shall be glorious.
Feel the warmth of my embrace.
Feel my fullness in his absence.
For in this time as will come close to you.
In this time I will fully express myself.
Be not numb, open yourself to my fullness, for I am pouring out my glory like never before.
Say unto yourself “it shall be glorious.”
For I will cause your face to shine, shine like the sun.
Just be present and look out for my presence.
It is my present to you, my gift to you beloved.
Why wait for you carry such weight.
Why weigh yourself down, for you are stronger than you look.
When you stand upon the stage, your words will carry such weight, for you know what it is like to carry much weight.
For it is not as it seems.
For the one who has my authority need not contend for position or stature.
Just act like you trust me.
Just act like you have my endorsement.
Say to yourself “of course”.
Cast not away your confidence.
Express confidence for you have my endorsement.