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The result of multiplication.

The time of the times.

The time of the many, for the many.

For from the one shall flow the many.

The multiplied multiples.

The place of the clearing.

The preparation for fullness.

The absence of emptiness.

The time of the reaping.

The appearance of the many.

The evidence of the harvest.

The expansion of many seeds.

An uprising of favour.

A favourable result.

Expect favour and see favour, receive my favour, wear my favour, ask me for many favours, for my favour rests upon you now.

For I shall be unto you as I was with Isaac.

You will be known as the favoured ones.

Wherever you go you will find an open door, and a warm welcome.

As you have already seen, they will come to you and ask how they can serve you, for they have been waiting for you for a long time.

What is it I have shown you now?

The giant doors opening and on the other side of it a huge throng of people bursting with great excitement at our arrival. Like we have obtained celebrity status!

First the procession then the possession.

The coming out.

The leaving.

The procession.

The expedition then the expediting.

The procession then the possession.

A departure from.

An entry into.

A departure from.

A receiving into.

A season of receiving.

A warm reception.

The receiving of warmth.

Be not overwhelmed.

Just be over.

For I have given you oversight.

What is it you see now?

First the nursery full of crying babies, and your words “just be a father to them”. Second a room full of people awaiting their king and queen.

Did I not say you will reap here, what you have sown there?

Have you not been building instruments of harvest?

Why then so surprised to find fields full of my fullness, ripe for the harvest?

I can see how you feel, here let me describe it for you…

One thing to the many things.

Before you have finished attending to the one, the other cries out for your attention.

The one thing after another thing, wave upon wave, over and over, over and over, more and more, more on repeat, a repetition of more, one seed rising so quickly after the next, the growth of the many, the breaking of the sequence of the one, the pattern of the one. Now the oversight of the many.

What do you hear now?

The sound of thunder, the shaking of the ground, as the engine of the harvester cranks over and over and bursts into life.

For that which was is now over and gone.

The new is birthed and announces its arrival.

I see you looking for the small trowel to dig up a tiny plant, and then you look around and find yourself in a giant forest, with apples the size of watermelons!

I’m cracking up at the look on your face!

I am trying to hold it together Lord. For your mighty power is overwhelming.

Do not be overwhelmed.

Be fascinated.

Operate with awe and wonder, for it shall not be awful but wonderful.

Expect me to move as you have never seen before.

For what do you see now?

The enemy scattering all around, in a mad panic like they have lost their minds, the face of huge giants with the look of abject horror on their faces. Before I could ask myself why, I see the toe of the foot land on the ground. The size of the smallest toe larger than the tallest mountain. I feel you have arrived, your presence is here like never before.

For who can stand against me?

Yet I stand with you.

The size of what is to come is so much larger than you expect.

Yet as I supply the seed, so I will supply the harvesters.

Your enemy tries to convince you that you are a “grasshopper” jumping from one thing to the next.

Yet you are an eagle soaring above it all.

The things that trouble you when you are on the ground, shall fade into the background as you rise above, as you reside above, on the next level.

For you are grounded on the next level.

Your habitation is the next level.

Your place is a level above it all.

For you have been levelled up.

For the caterpillar wonders how it will reach the next level.

Yet when it is transformed, it have no consideration for ground levels.

For when you can fly above it, the terrain beneath has no bearing on your progress.

I am changing your mind.

I am changing your frame of reference.

I know you feel like everything is out of order, when it is simply a new order.

A new order is required.

For a new command goes with a new order.

A new order has been given unto you.

For it is not the same.

For it is not the same.

For it is not the same.

This is a new life.

A life of multiplication.

Don’t get in a flap, just start to flap your wings.

What freaks you out right now is just evidence of the wonder that is unfolding before you.

For my winds shall carry you.

I have lifted you up.

I have lifted you up.

My hand is outstretched towards you.

From the place of the slip, to the place of the grip.

From the unsteady, uncertain place, to the solid place, the steady place, the place of establishment, the place of the going, the place of the outgoing.

Take a breath.

Breathe again.

Stay in the place of awe and wonder.

Open your mouth in awe and wonder.

For this is the land of produce.

This is the land of fruitfulness.

This is the land where you shall bring forth a multitude of fruit.

This is the work of my hands.

Fear not the new.

I see the look on your face is like it was after your mind was blown by the arrival of the girl of your dreams.

At first in a dream state of awe and wonder.

Then in a state of fear and trembling when she suggested you have lunch together.

Now you look back on that moment and wonder why you did not stay in wonder and explore what would have been a glorious moment.

It was too much for me then.

Yet it shall not be too much for you now!

Embrace all that you cannot grasp.

For just as you can trust me with your love, you can trust me with your life.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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