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Fresh Appeal

For in your hands I have placed the largest net. You try to separate yourself from the net, to free yourself, yet will find that it is part of who you are.

As you lift your hands I am going to fill it.

For the net is made of the finest threads, fine but not flimsy. Delicate but strong. Each weaved together with precision. It looks like it can’t contain anything big, but watch what I am going to do.

Not what you expected, more than you expected, unlike anything before.

For you think you are going fishing.

But in this net you shall find my fruit.

Many different kinds. The large, the small, of so many different colours.

Each with their own wrapping.

Each with their own a peal.

Each with their own appeal.

For you shall peel back my wholeness.

Some with easy appeal.

Some you can unwrap without assistance.

Just put your thumb in to the base.

Just make a hole in my wholeness.

For I have designed it to make room for your hand.

For you can enter without injury.

For you can enter without fear.

For you can enter amidst the pieces without breaking anything.

For amidst the wholeness you will find my wrapped pieces. Each of equal proportion. Each of equal portion.

One connected to other by a thread.

An easily broken thread. A thread designed for breaking. A place designed for just for a brief connection.

And you shall hear these words “would you like a piece?”

For they can have a piece and be refreshed, or come back for another piece, or take the whole thing with it’s ready made container.

A container designed to contain the freshest pieces, the juiciest pieces, the pieces where once the skin is broken the flow comes out.

And in the net you shall find other fruit with stronger connections, where you will need a knife, a cutting instrument to effect the separation, the apportionment. And yet you will see the guidelines for cutting.

And each fruit has its own taste. It may look similar but it will taste different.

And yet a fruit of different kind.

A giant ball with a hard skin, a hard shell that needs effort to break open. Yet when the container is cut, the greatest flow occurs. Full of water this watermelon.

And yet you shall have access to another portion.

For why ask for a slice when I have given you the whole pie?

For this context you shall determine the portion. There are no guidelines, there is no notion of an equal portion. One will want more, another less, yet I have given you authority to decide what is fair.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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