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I’m running as fast as I can and yet I cannot keep up with you Lord. it’s overwhelming. You are all that I want. You are all that I need. You are always one step ahead and yet try as I might I cannot keep up with you. I feel like I should have been better prepared. For all that has come was foretold months ago. The big wet is here. The place of expansion is here. The harvest time has come. Here we find ourselves in the land of the promise. Yet I am not what I should be. You said picture yourself as one that is fulfilment. Here at this moment I have more than what I could ever have imagined and yet it is the small insignificant things that grate upon my very being that have taken me over the edge. Possessing much yet robbed of what I treasure most, my quiet place of solitude, the place to relax, the place to wrestle with contention until I am content. Yet here I am in the wide open space, the place of abundance, yet the place without solitude, the place shared, the place confined.

Who placed these chains upon you?

Who bound you up?

Who placed you in confinement?

Who placed you in the shared space?

You did Lord. But even Moses had the tent of meeting? Where is my place? Where can I go to be alone with you? Where can I go to find myself?

Am I not with you wherever you go?

How did you find yourself in the doldrums? Who backed you in to this corner?

For you shall know what freedom feels like.

For I have released you and yet you fight with me to be bound once again!

For you were bound in order to be free.

You say to be you feel so confined just like your wife once said to you. And yet what did you say to her?

Who told you you could not do as you wish? I am keen for you to have friends and to go out and explore and be free. For I only love you and want the best for you.

So why can you not instruct yourself to do the same?

For the cords, the mud, the fight, the bruises contend with me, whilst I am free I am not free. The waves and the billows roll over me. Every day there is great blessing ruined by the little imperfection!

What is your focus?

What is important to you? The power that indwells you, that no hostile power can overcome or the scratch on your arm?

For you cry over the scratch when in the former era you would say “I haven’t got time to bleed”!

Now all you see is blood!

You lose your mind over the scratch and completely disregard the blessing!

“What the heck” as you would say!

You say to yourself get a grip but I say release your grip. I am prying you loose as the words echo from long ago!!!

Your arms shake, your body writhes in pain, the tension is overwhelming is all encompassing and you say that no one cares. All you want is someone to care. You say to all that they could care less. That which was branded as “careful” proved to care less!

I have heard your complaints and yet you know how how I feel about those who complain! What is your point? That is the point!

What is your focus? You say that you are the perfect melancholy and yet you are the one who abhors the label!!!

Why do you apply this to yourself? For you bind yourself with that which you abhor. Is this not abhorrent!!

For I have broken off these shackles and yet you still carry them!

Let go of that which holds you down!

Let’s go back to the moment of your imminent death. You found yourself pushing with all your might when you had great strength and yet you could not resist the current. It pulled you under and you found yourself with a choice. Give the weight belt to your rescuer or die! You wondered for a minute whether your rescuer had the strength to survive or whether to give your life for his. What was the word he said to you?

“Don’t worry I can handle it”

Don’t worry I can handle it.

Lay aside every weight, just put down the broken chains!

Step away from that which binds you up, for you have passed through the gate, you are free.

For he whom the Son sets free is free indeed.

For where the spirit of the Lord is there is freedom.

Man thou are loosed. Loose that man and let him go.

For this is a new life. The old constricting legislation has passed away and the new has come.

This is the time. Now is the time.

For you shall know what freedom feels like.

Don’t try to be free just be free.

For I command a blessing you need to agree with it and walk in it!

The blessing is here! Receive it, possess it as you walk.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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