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What for?

What for!

For what?

For this purpose.

I know you want to give him what for.

But what for?

For what purpose.

Instead give him purpose.

Give him a purpose.

Do it on purpose.

Do it for purpose.

For when you go walking, is not my purpose revealed.

As you walk to possess, do you not see my possessions?

As you have said, for you repeat after me.

If you are apprehensive, it is because you have not comprehended that which you have already apprehended.

Is it not I that has caused you to walk.

It is no coincidence that you find yourself going around in circles.

First one way, then the next, turning around and around, bringing forth the turnaround.

For it is my your action that you possess that which you already possess.

For you refuse to take this lying down.

You refuse to stay down.

Your enemy laughs at you, and all you can do is laugh.

Is it not all joy?

Is this not the best time?

Is this not the time of the times.

Have we not crafted an instrument of multiplication.

For when it is added, it only brings forth multiplication.

For it shall not be an you expected.

For here you find yourself tilling the soil again.

Your hands are bruised from all the days of breaking up the driest ground.

But here you find yourself again.

Yet if you allow yourself to feel.

Yet if you allow yourself to feel.

Yet if you permit yourself to feel.

If you take off the veneer that numbs.

If you uncover yourself.

If you expose yourself.

If you expose yourself once again.

If you expose yourself once again to the elements.

If you put yourself out there.

If you abandon all restraint.

If you lay aside the broken chains.

If you refuse any limitation.

If you allow yourself to feel.

What is it you feel?

The moisture of the soil, the softness of the soil, the fertility of the soil, the capacity of the soil, the embrace of the soil, the fullness of the soil, the potential of the soil. Beyond all expectation.

For it shall not be as before.

Your eyes look to what was before, your heart breaks in anticipation of what was.

Yet go with your feelings.

Rest upon that which you feel with your hands.

For I have placed great potential in your hands.

Multiplied growth, growth multiplied.

Look again.

Look again, now what is it you see?

As the soil is tilled, the seeds burst forth, and the flowers blossom, I see the gentleness of the growth, blossoming without effort. An uprising without effort, a release of potential.

You have seen well.

For behold the winter is past and is over and gone.

For I declare this is a new season.

A season of great abundance.

A season of rapid growth.

The birthing.

The birthing of multiples.

The rising up.

A time of great harvest.

For you have spent so long wading through the mud, looking for a trace of growth, prophesying growth, expecting growth, but only experiencing a sinking feeling, only a sense of loss.

But now repeat after me “I’ve found it”

Say after me “I’ve found it”

Say after me “I can see it now”

Look out for abundance, the revelation of my handiwork, the unveiling of my handiwork.

Can anything get in the way of my purpose?

If I have purposed it, it will stand.

When you walk in my ways, you shall walk towards abundance.

Isaiah 32:20 Happy and fortunate are you who cast your seed upon all waters [when the river overflows its banks; for the seed will sink into the mud and when the waters subside, the plant will spring up; you will find it after many days and reap an abundant harvest], you who safely send forth the ox and the donkey [to range freely].



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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