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Follow my Lead.

Who do you think you are?

When you think of yourself what is it you think of?

How do you define yourself?

When your enemy shouts “who do you think you are!” What is your response?

I can see that you are uncomfortable with my description.

How is it you are uncomfortable with the Kings armour? Have I not called you to be King?

I know that you want to take it off.

I know that you want to put it away.

I know that you would rather no one knows what it is that I have called you to.

You can’t help yourself, try as you might, try with all your might.

For the battle rages within, yet it must rage without.

I see the glimpses of you, snapshots of you, a flash of your brightness, the sparkle of your goodness, the power of your strength.

Just a glimpse, just a fleeting moment, just a flicker of who you are.

For I want you to be yourself, just be yourself.

Yet you reject my definition, you muzzle your mouth, you put your hands in handcuffs, you take yourself away captive!

You would rather be in the solitude of the dungeon, the quietness of the cave, in the desolate place, in the isolated place, away from all the noise, away from all the drama, away from the constant attack, away by yourself.

By yourself, by yourself, alone.

Yet not alone.

I am here.

My power rages within you.

“Filled with desperation to be close to you, rend the veil of my confusion, all my doubts and disillusions, draw me close and keep me still there”

The more you try and put a lid on it, the more the pressure rises, for I cannot be contained.

You know I cannot be held down, you know how that story goes.

For the room shook, and all those present ran for their lives.

You went for healing, you went in for healing, but left with great power.

You feel it now don’t you, it burns within, it rages within, it cannot be held down, it cannot be restrained, it must be released, for I must burst forth.

For your enemy says to you, “take a seat, stay down, adopt a position of your peers.”

Yet you must stand.

There you found yourself, there you find yourself taking a stand.

For you cannot sit, you cannot just sit, for I have called you to stand, I have called you to take a stand, I have called you to stand out.

You list off your excuses, yet you know that you can’t sit on the fence for much longer.

In the small thing, in the easy thing, in the vulnerable place, in the weary place, in the place of the struggle, in the place of contention, in the midst, in the midst, I showed up in your midst.

You tried to tune me out, you tried to just worship like the others, but I drew you, I got your attention, I called you out, I put out my hand.

There you found yourself, there you found yourself, there you found yourself on the move, for I held your hand, I led you out.

There you found yourself acting up, there you found yourself acting out, there you found yourself pacing it out, there you found yourself acting what it was that you were seeing.

For I have a new deal for you, don’t just say what it is that I have said, do what it is that I have shown you.

Don’t sit in the cave, come out on the stage, act up, just show them what I have shown you.

There you found yourself, there you found yourself, acting up.

You don’t know how to act up, you don’t want to be embarrassed. You don’t want to be self conscious, you don’t want to be conscious of yourself. Acting is something for someone else.

Yet there you found yourself, acting up.

You had to show them, you had to demonstrate for them.

Have I not called you to define the boundary?

At this time you just want to sit on the fence, but it is time to push the boundary, time to extend the boundary, stretch the boundary, define a new boundary.

Micah 7:11 In the day that your walls are to be built a day for building, in that day shall the boundary of Israel be far extended and the decree against her be far removed.

Did you not blow their minds, did you not see the look of delight upon their faces, did you not see my glory? Was it not glorious!?

Yet you know this was just a glimpse of my glory.

Rise and shine for my glory is revealed upon you. Yes you!

You want to stop and think about. Like when your Osteo says it is time for the next movement. You pause and say “I’m thinking about it”.

Yet you will find yourself in the movement, just do as I do. No really, just do as I do, do not come to your senses. Let you senses be led by me. Just sense my presence, just dance with me, just do as I do.

Here is the key, just be yourself, allow me to show you yourself, let me introduce you to yourself.

It is time for an upgrade, it is time to arise, it is time to arise, it is time for the uprising!

Just follow my lead, for it shall be glorious!

Isaiah 60:19-22 The sun shall no more be your light by day, nor for brightness shall the moon give light to you, but the Lord shall be to you an everlasting light, and your God your glory and your beauty. Your sun shall no more go down, nor shall your moon withdraw itself, for the Lord shall be your everlasting light, and the days of your mourning shall be ended. Your people also shall all be uncompromisingly and consistently righteous; they shall possess the land forever, the branch of My planting, the work of My hands, that I may be glorified. The least one shall become a thousand, and the small one a strong nation. I, the Lord, will hasten it in its appointed time.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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