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Let’s talk about folders.

Wave upon wave, where the waves and billows roll.

Rolled back that’s how I roll.

One wave upon another, folded back upon itself.

Substantive sustenance.

Layer upon layer. Flows upon itself. It pours upon itself when you pause.

Higher and higher it flows.

You see my flow rises upon itself.

Rising higher and higher.

The flow strains against that which contains it. Breaking free. For there is more substance within than without.

The substance within carries that that which is without. The outer carried by the inner. The inward carrying the outward.

Carrying the broken pieces the broken fragments higher and higher.

Genesis 43:10-12 For if we had not lingered like this, surely by now we would have returned the second time. And their father Israel said to them, If it must be so, now do this; take of the choicest products in the land in your sacks and carry down a present to the man, a little balm (balsam) and a little honey, aromatic spices and gum (of rock rose) or ladanum, pistachio nuts, and almonds. And take double the grain money with you; and the money that was put back in the mouth of your sacks, carry it again with you; there is a possibility that its being in your sacks was an oversight.

That which once supported the flow, now carried by the flow.

The comb for my honey. The crunch for added flavour. The added touch, the unexpected twist. The enriched flavour.

Be enriched, for you shall be enriched.

Genesis 43:34 Joseph took and sent helpings to them from before him, but Benjamin’s portion was five times as much as any of theirs. And they drank freely and were merry with him.

For that which contained, now is released. The elevation of the broken. Rising higher and higher.

Fold upon fold for you are in my fold.

I’ve wrapt you in it. Just be wrapped in what I’m doing. Seriously you will be wrapt when you see what I have done.

Be wrapped in my sweetness. Just be sweet about it. Taste and see…..

Be overcome. For I am coming over.

You act like that which I have given you is a burden. Be excited by my generosity.

For you shall look in your sack and find more than you expected.

I have placed more in you than your recognise. You look and wonder where that came from? It was mine, but now I am giving it to you.

I shall not take it back, it’s my gift. I pour it out freely. Feel it flow. As you walk and pause and feel the flow upon your neck.

Have you not seen, have you not heard!!!!

I say it again “it pours from your pores when you pause“.

What action? No – inaction. You await the next act. But watch what happens during intermission!

What is it you see when you pause? Freeze the frame.

I like your frame. I like the way you frame things.

A snapshot here a picture there. But this is no scrapbook.

From scraps to a first class banquet.

What is that in your hand?

That is no ordinary knife. Crafted with diamonds for my precious.

This is no ordinary event.

It is time for new levels, an elevated presence.

You have so much untapped potential. Beyond measure, beyond what you can imagine. A new statute a new stature. Beyond recognition. You won’t recognise yourself. Before a glimpse, now a revelation. Before a snapshot, a mosaic, now a movie!

I’m writing the screenplay and you’re playing the lead role.

It starts with this scene. An uprising from the depths of the dungeon. One moment in the pit of darkness, in the depths of despair, in the place of the mire.

Arise from the prostrate circumstances wherein you have been confined.

Rise, rise up I say. Be lifted up.

Then a flash of light. A parting of the ways. A pulling back of the darkness like a curtain.

What is held beneath, the path of crystal waters. From the mud pool to the crystal the marble bath. From the prisoner to the prince. From the prison to the palace.

From the place of oppression to the place full of servants waiting upon you.

This is no dream.

Look and see again, for I have opened your eyes.

New levels of interpretation. I’m giving you new levels of interpretation. New clarity, new insight, new power, new authority, discernment. Prophesy with power and purpose. Kings and princes of this domain will enquire of you, will come to you for advice.

For interpretation leads to transformation.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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