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Fluid Motion

Fluid motion.

Motion in the fluid.

Movement in that which is fluid.

Displacement then replacement.

Nothing lost, that is not then found.

Movement in the flow.

The flow of movement.

Movement in that which moves.

Placement in that which displaces.

A graceful movement.

A restful movement.

A joyful movement.

A holy movement.

A move that sets apart.

A move that initiates progress.

Resting upon that which enables you to float.

A peaceful place, a restful place, a place of great fullness.

A placement in my fullness.

The enablement of relaxed movement.

Not the place of fear.

The place of displaced fear.

Far from the raging waters, you will find yourself.

Be fully immersed.

Dive in and rest upon my goodness.

Inhabit the place of my goodness.

For you are surrounded with my goodness.

You shall inhabit the place of my fullness.

For you shall come to a place of rest.

For you shall recover yourself.

You shall neither sink or swim, but just float in my goodness, my fullness.

For the deep shall be your resting place.

For here you shall find yourself.

For I have hold of your breath.

For this is my sanctuary.

This is the blessed place for those I choose to bless.

Resting with great joy in my fullness.

What is it you see?

Resting upon the bottom of a pool of clear blue water. In that place between breaths. Resting in the stillness of that which flows. In no hurry to move.

For you shall move to a place of rest.

You shall move to a place of great fullness.

A fluid motion, in that which is fluid, in that which would overwhelm another.

A time of great rest is coming.

A time of floating on my flow.

A time of going with my flow.

A fresh motion, a fresh emotion, a motion that brings freshness, a motion that brings forth an exuberance of peace, an outflowing of peace.

For this motion shall bring great peace.

Far from the raging torrent of that which was.

For I am disturbing that which disturbs you.

I am displacing that which has blocked your placement.

For you shall rest upon and flow over any obstacle.

For I have given you the deep.

For you shall inhabit the depths of my love.

For what feels like drowning to another, will be an easy place for you, a natural place for you.

For I will restore unto you your breath.

For you will not need to hold your breath anymore.

For I have brought you to this place of rest.

For the deepest places are yours to inhabit.

For this is your place of residence, this is your place of comfort, this is your home.

You don’t do “shallow”, for you were designed for the deep.

For what is it you see now?

An old vision of me at the bottom of the ocean, turning on the tap and bringing forth the flow.
Another vision of swimming to the depths of the bottom of a great container ship, to pull things through a net. At the time I wondered why I was there, but now see that it is to clear the blockage that is preventing movement.

For it pours from your pores when you pause.

For you are never far from the flow, never far from the depths of my love.

For the depths of my love is poured out upon you, and all those around you.

For you carry my flow.

The deep is merely a sign of a place in which you have paused.

Is it any surprise to you that you find the greatest treasures in the deep?

For you were not designed for the shallow end of my love.

Ponder this thought.

The place where you feel most relaxed is when you a sitting on the bottom of a pool.

This is the place where everything stops, time itself stops and all you have is calm, all you have is peace, all you feel is the embrace of my love.

For there is no fear in love, perfect love casts out all fear.

It is time to set aside all the words of rejection, of dejection, of angst, of rage, of hurt, the words of your enemy, the words of those you love, the words that would elevate themselves, the words that would serve to block your full expression.

It is time to express yourself.

It is time to express my fullness.

It is time for the greatest outpouring of my love and affection.

For the desert shall become a lush green pasture, and the mirage a pool.

Yet it all starts with my chosen one, pausing in the driest desert, and expressing all the love I have placed in him.

For I have chosen you to be the full expression of all that I desire.

It pours from your pores when you pause.

Your love so deep is washing over me, your face is all I seek, you are my everything!



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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