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Flowing Over

Beyond it.

Beyond capacity.

Beyond limitation.

Beyond containment.

Beyond confinement.

Beyond the ordinary.

From the mundane to the magnificent.

Such a good way to describe it.

I see that you might have a different opinion?

There is something comforting about the mundane, something stable, something calming, something restful about it.

Yet I see it like this:

I see you standing in the waters of your favourite beach, bobbing up and down as the waves come in, feeling the warmth of the waters, the radiance of the sun, and the gentle breeze blowing upon you.

How does this picture make you feel?

At peace, at rest, and yet awaiting the right wave to then propel me towards the shore.

I'd call it the place of calm anticipation.

I'd call it the place of wonderful flow.

The place of wonder amidst the flow.

Describe it for me:

In the place of quiet confidence, in the place of confidence because of familiarity, because I have been their so many times before, I know the pattern of the waves, I know there are no rips, I know the ground beneath me is solid, I know that the waves perfectly make their way to the shore. I know the rhythms of the waves, that there are many calm waves at first, but they build towards a crescendo. If you time it right then the experience of it is amazing.

Why do you hold yourself back?

Why do you prefer to remain seated?

Why do you hide yourself in the crowd?

Why are you the first to leave?

Why is connection such a chore?

For when you give the gift, do you not enjoy the reception of it?

The experience is always tainted, the reception is always insufficient. The opportunity is lacking. For I could have shared so much more, I could have given so much more, but am so frustrated by the lack of opportunity. Everyone sitting in their pews, having a mundane response to a magnificent delivery. I feel like we are all sitting there with our thimbles being grateful for the drop, when an overwhelming flood of your goodness was on offer. Its like you have put on a banquet and we are satisfied after the first taste. What is with that?

You consider your capacity to be limited. You seek to contain that which is overwhelming. You lack the resolve to truly step over the threshold.

You can see the enemies troops lining up, preparing to attack, and yet there seems to be no-one on your side, or they are all in their "holy huddles" trying to look like they all have it together, that they have it all under control.

But for you it is not a matter of control, you are so sick and tired of containment, of sitting there in the pew, following protocol.

Stop trying to fit in! JUST STOP IT!

Stop pretending to be Clark when I have given you superpowers.

I see you trying to contain yourself, but the more you do so, the more you feel like you a going to burst!

Did Samson ever really care what anyone ever thought about him?

No you sent him to be an irritant to the enemy, and he revelled in it. I can see him smiling as he brought the whole house down as the enemy laughed at him. I can see the look of the mocker, looking on with horror as their plans unravelled before them.

I say again "This is not a fair fight."

For how can the one who cannot be killed, ever be defeated?

For the chains could not bind him.

For the flax simply burnt up in his hands.

For the one who is held captive, shall bring freedom to the captor.

For it is time to release the flow.

For it is time to break the containment lines.

For it is time to break the chains.

For the time of the times is here.

It is time to stop playing, and start advancing.

It is time to break all sense of protocol.

Was there ever a time that I considered protocol?

Only when you were before Pilate. And yet he marvelled at the way you responded, and it was like it was baiting you to show yourself to be a villain.

So in a way I wasn't falling into his trap, I wasn't reacting to his agenda, but only following mine.

Stop trying to fit the mould.

It is time to break free and get up and dance.

For you can see the need to intervene.

It is time to stop playing on the sidelines, but make your way to the stage.

For I intend to upstage anything the enemy throws at you.

It is time to bolding declare.

It is time to make a statement.

It is time to make a proclamation.

It is time to lay claim to my authority.

It is now a tipping point.

It is now a crashing wave.

It is now on the brink.

It is now over the edge.

For it flows over the edge.

My word shall have impact.

I will have my way.

For they shall say "who does he think he is", as they said the same of David, before he slew Goliath.

For it is time to step up, to step out, to show them the way, to cut off the enemies head.

For what is it you see now?

The holding of the hair, the carrying of the head of my enemy, the look of horror on his face, the blood dripping down all over the ground.

And what impact does this have to all those around you?

The ones who knew of him, the ones who considered him a powerful adversity, now have a hopeful look on their faces. The ones who are numb to all that life offers them, see nothing out of the ordinary.

And yet you know that he has no power over you.

Act from my place of strength, act like I have given you divine strength that no-one can overcome.

For you now have strength in places that you were once weak.

My strengths flows within and now without.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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