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Fit for Purpose

What is your alternative?


The one or the other.

The other or the one.

The one not the other.

The other one.

The alternate choice.

Another choice.

Choosing one or the other.

Preferring one over the other.

What is your preference?

Which one do you prefer?


Not too hot, not to cold, just warmth.

So much warmth.

Warm and cosy.

Soft to the touch.

Feel the warmth of her embrace.


Unable to be described.

Beyond your ability.

Beyond your grasp.

It is one thing to hold, it is another to be held.

That which is alternate.

The regard, the regard of the many, the open invitation.

The desire to be with you.

The care, the great care, the greatness of the caring.

You can feel the great warmth from afar.

The radiant warmth.

The great love.

A wonder to behold.

The beholding of wonder.

Like nothing before.

For the new unfolds before you.

For you shall be wrapt in the unwrapping.

The fitting.

Fit for purpose.

“Not fit for purpose” they say.

Yet you know that you were born to be over the edge.

How do you measure the length, the breadth, the depth, the height.

How do you determine its size?

How do you ensure alignment?

The fitting?

The outfit?

The group?

The union?

The matching?

What criteria do you apply?

Who defines the edge?

Where does the boundary lie?

Does not your hand fit so perfectly with hers?

How do you measure the boundaries of her being?

The height and depth of her love?

Her ability to perform?

How do you know what she is capable of?

How do you define her capacity?

How do you measure capacity?

How does the coach measure potential?

Where do you place the limit?

What adjustments are necessary?

What adjustments will be necessary?

How will you cater for expansion?

Is not potential a combination of choice and capacity?

For many have great capacity but few choose to use it to the maximum possible.

Does not education build capacity?

Yes but also structure, and boundaries, and patterns of behaviour are establishment.

It is for freedom that I have set you free.

For freedom has no boundary, cannot be contained, does not fit the container.

Yet how is freedom measured? How is it defined?

Does not the sovereign ruler of the land determine the freedom of his subjects?

Yes but freedom is so often defined by culture, by values.

Yes it is all about values, agreed values, aligned values, measurable behaviours aligned with values.

Yet what is valued is so often not what should be valued.

Have I not called you to set the standard, to define the boundary.

For the boundary is shifted to the horizon.

I have called you to set the standard not determine a limit.

What does “best practice” look like? Is it not a result of much practice?

For the fitting for the fat person is so different from the fitting for the athlete.

For I have given you so much strength, so much more capacity that you are not using.

You pause and wonder how it is you can crawl better, when I have called you to fly.

It is time to fly.

For the butterfly is unconstrained by the limits of the terrain.

It is time to rise up, time to go to another level, to reset the boundary, to redefine your position, your standing, your authority, your capacity.

For you see it now don’t you…

The giant drop pushed down by such force that the ripple explodes across the land.

I know what you are thinking, “I’m so tired, I need a break, I need a reset, I need a rest, I need to gather my strength”.

Yet the butterfly does not wish it could crawl faster, it simply flaps his wings and glides by the wind to his destination.

Come up higher I say to you, come up higher I say.

For I have given you the high ground, the upgrade, the promotion.

For that which was said at a lower level, now spoken at a higher level shall be granted.

Speak the gospel of transformation, outline the benefits of the journey, show them the door, walk with them on the way.

Open their mind to an alternative.

For I have opened their mind to an alternative.

Remember “your approach is nothing like others, but we really like it”

Isaiah 14:24-27 The Lord of hosts has sworn, saying, Surely, as I have thought and planned, so shall it come to pass, and as I have purposed, so shall it stand— That I will break the Assyrian in My land, and upon My mountains I will tread him underfoot. Then shall the Assyrian’syoke depart from the people of Judah, and his burden depart from their shoulders. This is the Lord’s purpose that is purposed upon the whole earth; and this is His omnipotent hand that is stretched out over all the nations. For the Lord of hosts has purposed, and who can annul it? And His hand is stretched out, and who can turn it back?



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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