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The sound that you hear is the breaking of containment.

The rendering open of that which contained.

The widening fissure, the widening of the gap, the making of the room of more.

For I cannot contain myself.

For I shall not be contained, restrained, limited.

Loose these chains and restraints..

For you shall be no longer limited, no longer confined, no longer restrained, no longer held within, but displayed without.

I feel your presence like never before, I cannot stop shaking. What the heck!

A new experience, an experience of that which is new.

For this is the new thing I am doing.

The absence of a boundary.

For you shall know what it is like to be without limit.

For nothing shall contain you.

For you have broken the pot that contained you.

You have outgrown that which defined you.

For I am erasing the border, I am removing the box.


Be without restraint.

Be as one without restraint.

Be as one who defies the norm.

Forget all notion of that which is normal.

Get used to that which is abnormal.

Seriously, Lord it is so hard right now to just sit here and act normal!

For how does it feel to be this way?

How would you describe it?

How can you define it?

What boundaries do you put around my love?

For I am completely reckless when it comes to you!

There is no limit to my capacity for extravagance.

I am so sick and tired of this ordinary thing!

I see you pondering that thought, was it your words, your thoughts, or my expression of your thoughts, or my expression of my own thoughts?

I see you wanting to ask “How can the Lord of all, be in anyway sick or tired.”

You feel my power flowing within your bones, and expressing its desire to be released!

For what I have for you is so far from “normal”, so far beyond the “natural”, so far from any ordinary description.

For it shall be the full manifestation of my fullness.

For you see it now don’t you?

The tiny drop falling into the largest cup and overflowing the edge like a fountain!
A giant crevasse opening in the desert, revealing a huge ocean beneath.

For I am responding to your life of faith.

For you operate as though you have no limit, no boundary, and there is nothing that can get in the way of my plan for your life.

It is time to take it to another level.

It is time to level up.

You think it is just another incremental step, but what do you see now?

Climbing half way up the spiral staircase to ascend to the top of the castle, only to trip and fall down on the step that is broken. And I hear your loud voice saying “I have already broken through”. Then you reach down from on high and lift me to the top. In a moment, in an instant I have reached the pinnacle of all that you intended for me.

Did I not say I would build on the pinnacle of your success?

What is it you see now?

Walking upon the desert place, and as I look behind me, blades of green grass shooting up all around.

This is the time of the release.

This is the time of the flow.

This is the time of the times.

This is the time of the good times.

You are going to enjoy this time.

Watch and see me blow your mind, blow on your mind, restore your mind, if you don’t mind.

You reside in this body now, without limitation.

For you possess something now, that you didn’t before.

You wonder how you will adjust to the new.

You wonder why you were not asked to testify about the detail of my transformative power.

Yes Lord the 30 second version barely scratched the surface, and yet only few really got the message in its fullness.

You want to explain it, I want to demonstrate it!

Yet so much of it has been so private. I have moved 50 boxes, and now washing machines, and all I feel is stronger!

What I have given you breaks the natural boundary.

For my strength is literally made perfect in your weakness.

How much more will my abundance overwhelm all that is lacking in your life?

As you said unto your daughter, “The Lord is just getting started with you, this open door is just the beginning of the testimony, for there are so many more testimonies to come, you did not get here without holding on to the Lord, and you will not get there without holding his hand.”

Yet what I have for you is so much more than what I have for her!

Abundance multiplied.

Glory manifest.

My unlimited power on display.

My strength demonstrated.

A redefinition of my presence.

A new way.

A whole new way.

The way of wholeness.

The manifestation of wholeness.

Watch as the old becomes new.

For what I have given you is transformative.

Restored transformation, transformed restoration.

You go looking for a place, something with a boundary, some form of definition, some place to find rest, yet I have taken you to the land the flows, the land of movement, the living place, the growing place, the fertile land, where the only thing you will see is fruit!

For what I have for you is extraordinary. You will bring the extra to their ordinary existence.

For I came in order to bring life and life to the full.

Through you I will establish fullness.

For this life of dullness, shall become a beacon of hope in the darkness, a fountain of glory for all to see.

It is time to break out, to break free, to express all my hope, my desire, my fullness.

Be undone, be without doing, expose your self, expose all that you are and are becoming.

For I came to expose the works of the enemy, to overflow in the place of brokenness, for I have broken through.

You can rely on me to provide all the power, all the resources you need, to perform all I have called you to do.

As you look back and wonder how it was you could move that which was previously immovable, soon you will look back with wonder at how you could harvest so much in the time of famine.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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