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First Steps

One step and then another.

For what is it like to walk?

How does one do it?

First the rising.

First the standing.

The extension of that which was bent.

The straightening of that which was bent.

The movement of the knee.

For movement comes from the knee.

Designed for movement.

Supportive of sitting, but designed for movement.

For I have enabled you to stand.

To stretch forth, to be straightened, to be extended.

For that which was folded back now unfolds.

The opening of that which was closed.

The placing of the foot.

The standing on one foot.

The lifting up, and the putting down.

The elevation, the rising and the falling, the means of progress.

The bending and the extension.

The forward posture.

A posture of leaning forward.

The ability to lean forward.

The extension of the chest.

The lifting of the head.

The strengthening of the core.

For it is not the bone that has strength, it is the muscle.

For that which slides in and out, that which stretches and contracts has strength, strength of movement.

For it is in the flex.

The exertion leads to extension, brings forth movement.

But first the will to move.

First the encouragement to move.

First the holding, then the cheering then the movement, then the resting.

Yet what was true for one, was not for another.

For one only learned to move by the holding of the hand of her father.

The holding and then the release, without fanfare, without drawing attention, that which was delayed, that which was denied, that which was resisted, now walks forward.

For it is I that walks with you, it is I that holds your hand, it is I that brings forth movement.

For in Him we live and move and have our being.

For I have placed within you movement.

For from within comes that which is without.

For that which comes from within, shall be manifest without.

For the child shall act like his father.

First the walking, then the running.

Beyond your expectation, beyond your limitation, beyond your thinking, beyond constraint, beyond what you have known, into the unknown.

For now it dawns upon you.

Now it dawns within you.

Beyond the natural progression.

For you asked for one thing, yet I gave you so much more!

I know it was unreasonable, it was undeserved, it was without question, it was beyond analysis, it was beyond desire, it was so much more that you could describe.

You thought it was about love and desire, the manifestation of desire, the embodiment of desire.

Yet my passion rises within you.

For I am a passionate God.

For what motivates movement more than passion?

Nothing Lord, for even with my last breath my desire will be for her.

Yet now you know, now you have experienced my fullness, you know the question that is on my lips…

What is it you seek? What do you want to ask of me?

You have spoken well my son!

For you act like you have everything you desire.

On so many levels if all I could remember when I die is look of love upon my beloved’s face, then I would have lived a good life. For you have said that the work of the husband is to present his wife as pure and holy and blameless before you at the end of the age. Is she not all of this and so much more?

Yet this is only one act of my play.

Has this gift not so transformed your life, like the icing on the cake that permeates within and without, adding so much flavour to the whole?

Yes beyond all that I could imagine.

Yet the latter glory will far exceed that of the former glory.

For I have brought you together for a reason.

The coming together.

The beholding and becoming.

Yes I have taken you back.

What is it you now see?

The vision of the makeover from the Bishop. A night of all consuming fire. The eagle of fire, the wings of fire, the two becoming one, the wings flapping in unison, with supernatural sight, looking for prey to devour.

Now ask me for this..

For first the crawling, then the walking, now the flying.

Isaiah 40:31
But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up [close to God] as eagles [mount up to the sun]; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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