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Be released.

Release your mind.

Unchain your mind.

Unlock your mind.

You think reasoning is your greatest strength, but really it is your imagination.

For in your mind there is no limit to your imagination.

You see it now don't you?

A splash of colour here, a splash of colour there. With no thought to the filling between the lines. For there is no line. If one forms is it merely the point of constrast between one colour and the next. Yet there is no mixing. One colour starts where another stops. One is defined by the overflow of another.

I see you trying to figure all this out, and I have given you the ability to join the dots.

But first start with your imagination.

For this new world is a world beyond your imagination, formed by imagination, bounded by your ability to imagine.

For everyone else, first thinks of structure, you think first of a problem to solve, or a new thing to manifest.

Yet when we talk, like we are now, what is your first step, what is your first thought?

I just posture myself to receive, I just tune in, and wait for you to speak.

Yet when you are not leading a group, what is your first step?

To look for an opportunity to ask a question, to provide an insight, to share something I think might help, but I can't just sit there and receive. I feel compelled to give the gift you have given me.

It is right for you to receive from me, and then to give to another.

I see your intent, if it was up to you, you would give them a mountain of gifts until they yelled at you to stop.

I feel the tension within you now. For you see the vast potential and yet struggle with those you have "educated."

For you it is like they have received just a taste of what you offer, and yet are satisfied.

Yet you have always been one to come back for more.

Hanging out with you is the best. It's like I am at a banquet, and feel I could chat with you all day. And yet in your kindness you permit me to come and go, even though you would like me to stay.

It is such a laugh to me, this whole concept of fasting, where people starve themselves so that they develop more hunger for you. Why not just stay at the table with you?

Any yet it is no fun for you to be generous with the gifts I have given you, and for people to be so easily satisfied, or worse not interested in receiving them.

It is so frustrating. It is like I want to take them by the scruff of the neck and shake some sense into them. For the relaxed approach, the kind approach, the consultative approach seems to have little effect.

It is hard for me to know how much to pursue them Lord. Give me wisdom Lord to know who to give attention to, and who to pursue.

Can you not see that I have given you the insight, the foresight, the blueprints?

Yes Lord but you have also told me over and over that the harvest is in the hands of the partners. How do I work with them in a way that is beneficial to me?

Are they not lost?

You act so surprised that they no nothing about how to proceed.

Yes they either want to take me aside and tell me all these principles of how to manage such a thing, yet I know they mean well but have no real clue about what is coming. It seems to be the most humble, and the least likely seem to be the easiest to work with.

Yet I see you putting boundaries around what you will do and what you won't. You think it is wise, yet I think you are limiting yourself.

Yes Lord, but I work best with a problem to solve, in the application of the product, the solution is revealed. Like a seed sown and then harvested, the farmer then knows what worked best and want didn't.

I know what you're going to say, and I'm laughing as i write this!

Cast your seed upon all waters, for you don't know what shall return to you.

Yes Lord, but you have also said there is a time, to plow, a time to plant, and a time for growth, and a time for harvest, and a process that goes with that.

Most people buy the fruit, only a few buy the seed, but no-one buys unless they see a picture of the end result.

Describe the fruit, describe how it tastes, describe what is on the menu, and invite them to the banquet.

Then the sowers will come, and the partners to harvest.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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