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Fast Forward

Fast Forward

Don’t look back, fast forward.

For I have laid this ground for you.

It is my hand upon each paver, aligning one to the next, paving the way before you.

I know you want to look back, you want time to process all that has gone before.

Wave upon wave, wave upon wave, wave upon wave.

Wave goodbye to the waves.

The pounding of the pounds.

The one thing soon followed by the next.

Insufficient time to catch your breath.

Struggling for breath.

Jostled on all sides, impacted in every way, yet still standing.

You want to pause, to press pause, but what is it you see?

Your finger pressing the fast forward button.

Yes it is time to press the fast forward button.

You want to press the rewind button, to go back over all that came before, to process the pain, to determine what happened, to reflect upon all that was.

Yet I want you to reflect upon all that is to come.

Celebrate my goodness, bathe yourself in my goodness, get wrapped up in my goodness, bind yourself up in my goodness, for it is my goodness that shall set you free.

Be wrapt in my freedom, cover yourself in my freedom, take cover in my freedom, for my freedom is without limit, without confinement, cannot be confined.

It was good to see my joy reflected upon your face this morning.

For I want you to revel in all that I have given you.

For I want you to reveal all that I have given you.

The feeling of immeasurable power, immeasurable blessing, multiplied abundance, unlimited power.

For despite.

For despite.

In spite of.

In stead of.

Behold the vehicle of your transformation.

Take hold of the vehicle of transformation.

Faster and faster, the feeling of great power behind you, in you, all around you.

Yet in all this, what is it you feel the most?

Your tremendous, personal, great love for me. For only you could give me this so personal gift. Proof of your personal affection, the manifest presence of your very delight in me.

It is not such a means to accelerate, to fast forward, to blur the background, to bring focus to the forward movement?

I saw your lament this morning, I was there when you lamented the dust and the dirt that was on the edge, all around the edge, for what I have for you is too big for that which is your cover, your shelter.

”You are covered by my love”

Yet what was it I said to you?

Out of bounds, beyond the boundary, beyond the limitation, for this is the place I have chosen to display my glory. It seeps out, it is beyond your ability to contain, no longer under cover, my glory on display, for I will display my glory!

My glory on display.

It is time for fast forward.

I am pressing fast forward.

Now you know why everything has just been a blur.

Acceleration is here.

Joy is here.

My glory manifested.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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