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Far Out!

Far Out!

I’m uprooting that which comes against you, that grows against you. I have pulled it out by the roots.

I will make a spectacle of this.

Watch and see, wait and see, say to yourself “look out!”

Don’t look for the way out, say to your enemy “look out”, “watch out”.

Say to yourself “far out!”.

Yes “far out”.

For the boundary you set for your self I am moving to the place that is far.

From up close and restrictive, to far out and expansive. Beyond the limit, beyond the horizon, beyond the limit of your vision.

For I am uprooting that which has grown against you.

I am pulling it out by it roots.

For that which was held back, shall now be loosed.

That which could not be be moved, shall be uprooted.

Lifted high above that which held it down.

That which was locked down, shall now be released.

Breaking forth, bursting forth, beyond the ground that contained it. Set free.

That which held it fast, broken, rendered asunder, uprooted.

For you shall be without restraint.

For you shall be without restraint.

That which held you back, broken, robbed of all power, robbed of its ability to grow.

For I have loosed you from confinement.

Fresh colours. Fresh expansion. It bubbles up. Flowing up from that which is beneath, that which is beneath to that which is above.

I’m building an extension.

As far as your eye can see.

Made of solid wood. Fresh wood.

Made from that which grew against you.

Made from the off cuts, from that which I have cut off.

I will use that which restrained your growth, for my glory.

I will use that which grew against you to build.

It shall be my fuel.

That which robbed you shall now cause you to inherit.

I shall embarrass that which came against you.

I shall use against them, that which they constructed against you.

That which they built for your destruction, for your demise, they shall find themselves hanging from.

For I will hand them out to dry.

I shall make a public spectacle of your opponent.

I shall cause your opponent to pay tribute.

I have caused your opponent to pay you tribute.

For he salutes you now.

He stands to attention.

He bows before you.

For I have altered the course.

I have altered your course.

For you walk like you are going to your death.

Yet now you shall walk like you are going to your coronation.

For the platform of your hanging has been altered.

It shall now be the platform of your proclamation.

For I shall make my point.

I love to make a mockery of that which mocks you.

For this is the place of the turnaround.

You want to turn your back in shame, in defeat, in focus on all that you have lost.

Yet this is not the place of defeat, this is the place of victory.

Yet I am turning you around.

Turn to the other side.

Move from one side to the other.

Say to your opponent, “move aside!”

Say to your opponent, “move side, for I am going to the other side!”

Turn around and see all that I have prepared for you.

Look away from your opponent and look out.

Look away and look out.

Look away and look at.

Look away and look up.

Look away and behold.

Behold my face.

For my countenance shows favour towards you.

For I delight in you.

I see you searching through all the wrapping, searching far and wide for the gift that I hold in my hand.

Be not caught up in the wrapping.

Be caught up in my presence, my present, my beloved, my love, my desire, the best expression of all that I desire.

Is she not the best representation of my desire?

For I see the way you look at her.

For I know your hearts desire.

My love poured out.

For I shall break the chains that confine you.

I tear off that which stands in your way.

Hold on. Just hold on. Take my hand, receive all that I have desired.

For your love walks with you.

For my love walks with you.

For you shall make progress upon the dangerous heights of testing and trouble.

By what rubric do you measure progress?

How do you measure success?

What constitutes success or failure?

Do I not do my best work in the dark.

For I break forth growth in the darkest place, where there is no light.

You were conceived in the dark, you first grew in the dark. The initial portion of your growth could not be measured. The spark of life was microscopic.

Yet here you are, larger than life, bigger than life, my expression of life.

Say to yourself “my haven’t you grown!”

For I operate in fullness not by measure.

For there shall the seed produce much fruit, the seed of peace and prosperity, growing before your very eyes.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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