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More than just a moment.

There is nothing better than this.

I pour out my affection.

So much to process, so much to explore, so much more than I expected. How is it that you always make time for me?

For I have singled you out.

I have chosen you.

For I care not for what you have done or not done, only if you are undone.

For you do not yet know who you are.

For what is it you now observe?

The mother of two, speaking harshly to the one. How is it I could be so blessed to have the wife that I have? Lord you so mess me up!

Is she not the best representative of my love?

For I have chosen her in love, for love, to represent my love.

Her gentleness and condescension have made you great.

Did you not get that?

For you cannot see your greatness.

You go searching to find the greatness in another, to extract the greatness in another, yet so no regard for finding it in yourself!

I only want to do your will Lord.

Well it is my will for you to be great!

You have made yourself of no repudiation.

You have hidden yourself under a bushel.

You have covered yourself in darkness.

You have buried yourself in the tomb.

You have imprisoned yourself and thrown away the key.

You have wrapped yourself in the strongest of chains.

You have put yourself in exile.

You have placed yourself in hiding.

You feel it again now don’t you?

The blinding light. From the pit of darkness, from intense darkness, from the darkness of death, from the dungeon of death, from the pit of hell, I have called you out.

I see it now walking with you, out of the tomb of darkness into the brightness of your light.

Yet you still hold yourself down.

You sit upon yourself.

You restrain yourself.

Burning with my fire, sweat pouring down your face and back.

Yet you restrain yourself.

You contain yourself.

What are you so afraid of?

The power that rests within. The release of your power.

Is it not my power that will be released?

Yes Lord but I know you want to make a scene.

What if I do! Who is in charge here?

But it is I that will deal with the fallout!

Now we are finally talking about it!

For great shall be the fallout!

So great shall be the fallout!

For you know how I roll!

For you have reached the tipping point.

I have placed you behind, so that you shall push them forward.

Did you not see? Were you not paying attention!

I saw the great fires of hell up close and personal. I felt the intensity of the heat. I saw the strong gates of hell broken from there hinges. And the chosen ones pouring into the breach. The war cry, the loud shout of victory. The blowing of the trumpet. The plundering of hell.

And who was pushing them over the edge, into the breach, giving them the power to advance?

You chose me Lord.

It is time to release my power.

It is time to mount an invasion.

It is time repossess.

It is time to exploit.

It is time to take up your position.

For you want to pull yourself together.

When I am quite happy for you to be undone.

For the time of your exposure has come.

The time of the uncovering is here.

The time of the release is here.

It is time to let loose.

It is time to let me loose.

Who told you to keep it seemly?

For it shall not be what it seems.

For this is not a fair fight.

For the puny arm will break the arm of his opponent.

For there shall be no indication of my power, nothing in the natural that shall so evidence of my power.

For my power is only displayed when it is released.

Test me in this.

Test out that which I have given you.

Put yourself in position for my power to be revealed.

For it matters not to me what you are up against.

The strong pillar?

The mighty raging torrent?

The table full of your enemies?

The strongest opponent?

The one who is called Legion?

The Pharaoh!

The ruler of the land?


The multitude?

The Philistines?

For there is no reason to be insecure.

If there is an appearance of uncertainty, if the ground upon which you are standing starts to shake, you need not be afraid.

For it is a sign of my power.

For all around you may be shaken, but you shall not be shaken.

Be confident in me.

“I am by your side”



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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