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Fall Back

Fallback, fall back…..

There is no fall back, there is no safety net.

There is no where to fallback to.

There is an outage, but no candles in the house.

That which works, no longer works, it’s broken, it’s beyond repair.

The fragments have become ashes, beyond restoration.

And yet, and yet, even now…..even now.

It is so bright in here, so hot in here, I’m dazzled by the light. Its overwhelming, it’s irritating…

All I want is peace, but all I have is pieces.

1 Samuel 13:19 Now there was no metal worker to be found throughout all the land of Israel, for the Philistines said, Lest the Hebrews make swords or spears.


It’s a seed storm… I’m stirring up the winds from the north, can you feel it? The change in temperature. The pressure drop. The climate change. The shift. It is the door opening. Feel the breeze, feel the shift, anticipate the change. Forecast the change. Predict a shift, prepare for the shift. Mount the chariot. Get moving. Run, advance, charge, feel the rush. Sprint. Run for your lives….. Not away but towards, not from but towards. Not to escape death, but to possess life. For you have nothing to fear. For the 5 shall chase a hundred.

1 Samuel 13:22 So on the day of battle neither sword nor spear was found in the hand of any of the men who were with Saul and Jonathan; but Saul and Jonathan his son had them.

Lean forward (lean not upon your own understanding), step forward, run out to meet the rampaging hordes. No more standing your ground. It is time to take the ground. Take the ground from under their feet. Pull the rug out from under them. For they shall FALL BACK! For the ground crumbles under their feet, falls away under their feet. For death is swallowed up, swallowed up in victory. Climb up, rise up, from defeat, from death, from captivity, from the valley…to the high place, the elevated place, the dominant position, the undefeatable position. The place where you cannot be defeated. The pinnacle, the high place, the highest place. The strong tower, the place of refuge and strength.

1 Samuel 14:6-7 And Jonathan said to his young armor-bearer, Come, and let us go over to the garrison of these uncircumcised; it may be that the Lord will work for us. For there is nothing to prevent the Lord from saving by many or by few. And his armor-bearer said to him, Do all that is in your mind; I am with you in whatever you think [best].

Is it not glorious to be with me? For my glory inhabits the high place. Like a lighthouse, a beacon and ray of glory shines across the land. Do you feel the mountains tremble? The ground shakes in excitement for the breaking that is imminent. I’m crafting a defining moment, I’m shaping the point, sharpening the rock, building a monument, a pinnacle to myself, for my glory. For it shall be a testament, a beacon, a signpost, for all who walk pass…. That on this day, at this time, this was a rubicon moment, a turning of the tide, a shift from captivity to ascendancy, from under to over, from beneath to above, from possessing nothing to inheriting everything. Where the two overcome the many, were those who possess my armour are undefeated, are dominant, must overcome.

1 Samuel 14:12-16 The garrison men said to Jonathan and his armor-bearer, Come up to us and we will show you a thing. Jonathan said to his armor-bearer, Come up after me, for the Lord has given them into Israel’s hand. Then Jonathan climbed up on his hands and feet, his armor-bearer after him; and the enemy fell before Jonathan, and his armor-bearer killed them after him. And that first slaughter which Jonathan and his armor-bearer made was about twenty men within about a half acre of land [which a yoke of oxen might plow]. And there was trembling and panic in the [Philistine] camp, in the field, and among all the men; the garrison, and even the raiders trembled; the earth quaked, and it became a terror from God. Saul’s watchmen in Gibeah of Benjamin looked, and behold, the multitude melted away and went hither and thither.

I’m inviting you to the higher place, come up and take possession, for if God be for us, who can be against us!



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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