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And when the shaking stops.

And when the shaking is stopped.

And when the tremors cease.

Look for the after shock.

For I have told you what is coming.

You know what the future holds.

For an uprising is coming.

For a bursting forth is coming.

For that which was sown shall burst forth.

For there will be a breaking forth, a bursting forth from the surface.

For it was no surprise to me, it was all in my timing that you woke with a start this morning.

Why so startled?

For the first thing I read was an article called "scrapping the cicadas off the street", which spoke of an uprising some 17 years in the making. For it disturbs me that all that you have said to me is coming to pass. I can't tell if it is a living dream or a dreadful nightmare. For you have shown me all that is to come, and I can barely stand it. For no one knows, what is yet to come, for what is untold, must be told.

Yet you are so much stronger than you think.

Have I not given you my authority?

For who can stand against my chosen?

What can get in the way of my purpose?

For you shall accomplish all that I have purposed for you.

You shall be my mouthpiece.

For your last meeting was just a taste of what is to come, as you spoke of all your "use cases", did you not have their attention?

Yes Lord, the more I spoke of my exploits the more attentive they became.

For how will they know the way unless you show them?

Yet you discount yourself, you count yourself out, you want to find the exit door, and run away from it all. Like Elijah after defeating the odds, ran away, overwhelmed by all that just happened.

But it shall not be so.


For I know you better than you know yourself.

For you are not one to run away and hide.

For I made your face like flint, that whenever it is struck my fire burns.

My fire burns.

My fire burns.

My fire burns within you, and must be released.

For no one knows what you know, no one knows you like I do. For you were made for this purpose, to be my fire, my all consuming fire.

For you know what it is like to walk in the fire, to lay down with fire, to arise with fire, to express my fire, to be overcome with fire.

You can see it now, fire flowing from your fingertips as you write my words of fire.

For the words you spoke of at the passing of your father, were a fitting epitaph of his life, and fitting of the task that now lays before you.

"Arise and Shine" you uttered.

"For the Glory of the Lord is revealed upon you", your mouth spoke.

As he bequeathed unto you, so shall it be.

As he bestowed upon you, so it shall be received.

For the time of your rising is here, for the time of the uprising is here, it is time for my glory to be revealed.

For what have I shown you again, what have I brought to your remembrance just now?

Seeds bursting forth from the ground, giant tree trunks emerging from the ground, shaking the ground all around, in a moment, in an instant fruit falling to the ground all around.

For I am causing a disturbance.

For I am shaking this ground.

For I will have growth, multiplied growth, accelerated growth, enormous growth, unheard of growth, an overwhelming harvest, more and more, over and over, more and more, over and over, more multiplied, multiplies of more, an excessive abundance of more, so much fruit, more than you can contain, wherever you look fruit lying there on the path, like marbles on the ground, all over the ground, only the presence of fruit, no empty spaces, no empty spaces, no empty spaces, no empty spaces, no empty spaces.

The presence of fullness, overwhelming fullness, an overflow of fullness, an abundance of fullness, so much fullness, an overflow of fullness, an invasion of that which is empty, an outpouring of fullness, an overflowing cup, a pouring into your lap.

You will be drenched in my fullness, for with the measure you have given of yourself, IT SHALL BE POURED INTO YOUR LAP! Beyond measure, an unlimited measure, a measure of abundance.

For you shall be known as the "rain maker", they will say to themselves "behold that is the man, he is the one, yes he is the one"

It is time to break free from darkness, and step into the light, now is the time of your shining.

I have so much to say about this.

Look not to the right or the left, look not to your beloved, not to your advisors, not to those who would consult with you, for I AM YOUR SOURCE!

For I have chosen you, I have formed you, I have informed you, I am your voice, I am your words, I am the way, I am the one, I am all that you need.

For you think that which shakes comes from an external source, but it is merely the consequence of your foot steps, for I am giving such weight to your words.

And when your body shakes, it is just my fire trying to get out.

Release your fire Lord! Such a thing to ask, for the moment I asked you showed me your fire falling from the heavens upon the heads of my enemy.

Ponder this for a moment, did I ever count the numbers? Did I ever consider the available resources before I acted?

No Lord you spoke, and the few came, or the many came, but you always supplied more than was needed.

Don't be like the disciples that asked of each other "how should we feed them, or send them away so that they can be fed".

Speak all that I have commanded you to say, and lean on me, rely on me to supply all that is needed.

For the desolate place has no supply, has no resources it can rely on, but when I break open the "hollow place", the place that is empty, an abundance of supply flows from that which was empty.

So empty yourself of that which is "hollow", and overflow with my fullness.

Step into my fullness, step with my fullness, for you shall bring my fullness.

For my fountain will burst forth across the land and restore fullness to those who receive it.

For my words shall fall from your lips like the dew from Mount Herman, and shall rest upon the ears of those willing to receive them.

Let your streams of refreshing fire flow Lord.



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This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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