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A catalyst for exposure.

A desire to reveal.

A desire to expose.

A desire to remove the wrapping.

A desire to uncover.

A pursuit of the revealing.

A manifestation of desire.

A desire to know fully, and to be fully known.

An embarrassing moment for those lacking intimacy.

A moment to resist, when it is inappropriate to take action.

For passion once aroused, cannot be easily subdued.

For the fire once lit, is not easily put out.

For passion leads to movement.

Passion leads to pursuit.

Passion leads to desire.

Desire inflames passion.

Once is the accelerant for the other.

For this is my design.

For I desire to stir up your passion.

For passion leads to fulfilment of desire.

For passionate revelation is my desire.

For to uncover the mystery of love, is a great desire.

For fascination is the precursor to revelation.

For when you look upon the wonder of your love, what is the appropriate response.

I found myself turning away, in order to preserve myself, in order to control myself, in order to resolve myself. But I was unable to resist, and now feel the impact of what happened.

My love is like an etching on your heart.

My love is engraved upon your being.

The imprint of my love lingers upon your soul.

The touch of my love, lingers in your heart.

The uncontainable overflows in your being.

For my love is poured out over the edge.

It is hard to handle the great gift you have given me.

Yes it drips from your hand.

My love is poured out in your hand.

For my love draws you in, and leads you out.

Yet the chains of confinement pull against me, and seek to restrain me.
Its like my fingers are upon the button of her blouse and I can’t undo it.
The frustration, the limitation, the restriction grates against my soul, like sandpaper on my flesh.
I’d rather keep my distance, and turn away, and keep myself covered, yet my desire puts a foot in the way and refuses every effort to shut the door.
So I am torn between the passion of my desire, and the desire to remain covered, and hidden, and kept, and safe. I want to be free, yet my desire keeps me in pursuit.

What is it you see now?

My hand, holding the flame of desire. It burns but I am not consumed.

Let me take you back to what was.

The fire resting upon you, and yet when the rain comes it is not put out, for my fire brings warmth to all that rests upon it.

The key is intimacy with me.

The key is abandonment to me.

The key is surrender to me.

The key is discovery.

For to discover is to uncover.

For to discover is to recover.

For to discover is explore that which is new, that which is uncharted, that which was hidden from view, that which lies beneath.

For is she not the most fascinating person you know?

Yes Lord, never a dull moment with her, for she shines your light so brightly.

In the journey of intimacy my love is revealed.

For there are many facets to exposure.

The degree of exposure is the extent to which my image is revealed.

Underexposure keeps the details hidden.

Overexposure blows out the highlights.

Any revelation comes from exposure to the light, for what is revealed in the place of darkness, in the hidden place.

Come into the light of my glory.

Uncover yourself, reveal yourself, expose yourself to the light.

For you are so excited at the prospect of the revelation of your beloved.

Yet I am just as excited to see you out and about, for how can my glory shine, if you keep it hidden?

For you must first remove one covering to then put on another.

Rend asunder the old mantle which has served its purpose, and put on the new.

For whatever your exposure, I have got you covered.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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