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Exposure. The light shining in the darkness to reveal an image.

What comes to mind when you hear the word exposure?

  1. Too much exposure?

  2. People exposing themselves, like a streaker on a cricket ground?

  3. Exposing the truth like a whistle blower

  4. Exposed to the elements?

  5. lncovering that which was hidden?

As an old film photographer I think of the light coming into the dark lens and exposing the negative, ​to then be developed in a darkened room to become a positive. The original exposed, a snapshot in time. God says “Burst the pod. Release the seed. Expose the seed. Unveil the seed.”

“when you are exposed, you are not exposed for my covering is upon you!”

Expose the seed

For many months God asked me to expose the seed, showing me a packet of rose seeds with me then giving these to my beloved wife. I wrestled with him for ages as I am a hopeless romantic. My argument with him was “How romantic is it to give the one you love the most a packet of seed.” Who does that? I’d much rather find the fully grown longest stem roses and wrap these up in the finest gift wrapping and present the final produce! I’m also a perfectionist, I’d rather give nothing than not give the perfect gift.

But then I had an epiphany! My wife loves gardening and finds a lot of pleasure watering and nursing the garden plants and watching them grow. In fact for her giving her the best seed is the best gift

Release your potential

As Bishop TD Jakes says “we ask God for the Oak tree, but he gives us an acorn!” We want the end result, He wants to release the potential!

The seed packet is the packaging of the seed fragments, and the picture on the front is a statement of potential.

All He has to do is blow and I see the Dandelion seed going from whole to multiple fragments, that then grow into a whole plant again. There is great value in the leftovers.

So let’s get over ourselves and be like God as the sower of seed. Don’t wait for the perfect fruit. Release the seed of potential God has put in our hands. Break the container, the constraints, our limited thinking.

Open the container the thing that contains. Pour out from the container my living water on the feet of those in front of you. Invite them to get their feet wet.

You are invited to expose the seed.

I’m off to the nursery to find some rose seeds…



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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