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Patterns of the promise.

Patterns in the promise.

Patterns exposing the promise.

Patterns impacted by the promise.

Established patterns broken by the promise.

The moving out, the shifting out, the expanding out, the stretching forth, the unfurling, the expanded movement, the movement towards expansion.

The catalyst for change.

The shift.

A shift in posture.

A postural shift.

A change in orientation.

When you are walking on water how do you orient yourself?

In the darkness, amidst the swells, in the place of the up and down, how do you step forward?

By the power vested in me, the supernatural overwhelming the natural. The only place of calm is in your presence Lord.

Everything is no longer what it was, everything is changing, more and more radically so, so unlike anything that was before.

My greatest concern is how do I explain this? I want to educate everyone on what has happened and show them the life that is available to them in you.

I see you struggling to explain, straining to articulate what can only be demonstrated.

Yet the demonstration is only observed by those present, and those willing to tune in. The few understand the many continue to walk around like zombies circling the nothingness that has invaded their lives.

Yet the student only represents his master.

Many followed me, but many were indifferent, and some were openly hostile.

I sense a fundamental shift, I feel your tremendous power changing everything within and without. Every day is no unlike the one before. The change is exponential, the patterns shifting so fast it is hard to process.

I see you trying to articulate the process, trying to process, the process, yet each day you uncover something so new.

It does indeed spring forth now.

For that which flows cannot be contained, will always overflow the container, will always break free from containment.

I’m cracking up as I see you trying to put a lid on that which flows from your hands. The more you try the more it bursts forth.

I find myself taking a step back in the domain that I have lived in, taking a back seat in the place where I was called to lead. For all I see is a repeating of the alphabet to the adult “children”, an application of the familiar pattern, the familiar formula. Thanks for taking me out of this, for I would have broken something if I had stayed here.

I am shifting the paradigm.

I am moving the paradigm, for the one called to set the captives free can only break the chains of those who want to be free.

For when the light fades, the darkness prevails.

And yet, and yet, when they find themselves in the mud, my love calls them out.

For when the new appears it stands in stark contrast to old that formed it.

For how does the fountain look to the desert dweller?

It is the manifestation of that which is new. For I cannot imagine water bubbling up here, only falling down from above, or in the dew of the morning.

I can see you trying to bottle up that which flows, as you expect it to run out, or be evaporated.

I am so out of whack Lord. My regular patterns so disrupted, and every day more and more so. I awake and expect to move with pain. I expect to have to lie in bed before I can move. I expect that I will need to massage my body for 20mins before I can function. And yet everyday I feel stronger, everyday I am laying off another restriction, everyday I am discovering a new capacity. I would love the time to just comprehend what you have done. But one second I am feeling the wings of the new, the next second the wind blowing at me, buffeting me, causing me to move in ways I did not expect.

Why have wings unless you are meant to fly?

Why so surprised that you feel swept off your feet?

It’s like you are looking for solid ground, when in this season you will fly above.

When you see all that you know fading away, you are not leaving the ground behind only soaring above it.

Everything will be ok.

Everything will be so different this time.

Lean into the wind of my spirit.

Rest in the calm of my presence.

Embrace all that you cannot grasp.

Get excited about the experience.

For when you first met your beloved you touched her with fear and trembling, now you embrace her with awe and wonder, with joy and confidence.

The day of great power is here.

The day of glory has come.

Stay in awe and wonder as you behold the new, as I unveil the depth and breadth of your territory as it unfurls before you.

Choose to explore with joy all that is unveiled before you, all that is revealed as you proceed.

For you will know what it is like to be so loved by me, so blessed by me, so extravagantly treasured by me.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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