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Bursting forth.

Ready to break?

Ready to come out?

Ready to push?

Expansion beyond the brink.

At the point of breaking or at the breaking point?

Upon the edge.

At the point of no return.

Containing that which must be released.

Holding on to that which must be birthed.

For you cannot contain all that I have placed within you.

It breaks the bounds.

It can no longer stay in, it must come out.

For I have given you fullness.

That which goes beyond your capacity.

Resting upon the edge.

Now over the edge.

Beyond the breaking point.

For I have broken through.

For I have come to break the chains of your confinement.

Loose that man and let him go.

Release that man from that which binds him.

For this is no token gesture. No side event. This is the main event.

For the time of the breaking is now.

For I intend to make a mockery of your opponent.

He chains you down, he ties you down, shackled to the earth, he holds you fast.

But you know what happens next?

The whole earth moves when I move.

For I have given you divine strength that no hostile power can overcome.

It is seminal to who you are.

The strong one.

The mighty one.

The one in whom I have bestowed great strength.

What is it you see?

A image from long ago, lying there on the operating table, and they get the defibrillator out, thinking that I am dead. Yet it is not as it seems. At each shock you speak these words. “What would kill another man, just makes you stronger.”

The actions of your opponent will only make you stronger.

For every chain that holds you down, is just another chain I will break.

For your purpose is to break every chain, to release the captive, to proclaim freedom.

For my power rises again within you.

My fullness is birthed within you, and released at every contraction.

For every contraction shall only serve to bring more expansion.

For it is my hand that you are holding.

I am the midwife, attending to your birth.

For you feel stronger now.

For my hand is upon you.

For what is it you see now?

The flow breaking through the barrier, multiplying upon the other side of it.

Yes the barrier shall only serve to multiply.

Announce the break through.

Yes that is it.

Say unto the people, we are breaking through.

For one it is simply crossing over, for another it is breaking through.

For I have determined your course, and set your steps.

My way, is the way of the breakthrough.

Your enemy shouts unto you “it is a dead end”, yet when you walk with the way maker can anything stop your progress.

For one crossing is to break through into worship, the second is to break through and possess the promise.

For this shall be your second coming.

A rebirth, a renewal, a returning in great power and authority.

Yes authority.

Have I not given you authority!

It is time to declare and decree how it shall be.

Yet those who came with you at your first crossing are not those who came with you at your second.

Those who stood in the way, could not take this way.

Advance, proclaim an advance. Walk into it, step into the brink, rest your feet upon the edge.

For the point of breakthrough is to bring through, is to walk through, is to be through, is to carry through, is to announce the promise.

At the point of the crossing I will bring abject fear into your opponent.

For he may fortify himself, yet he knows that any barrier is no obstacle to my advance.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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