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Pressed down.

Pressed down to make room.

Make room.

I am making room.

I am preparing the room.

I am decorating the room.

What colour would you like?

I am preparing for your arrival.

For I know what you like.

I know you like to spread out.

Too small.

Repeat after me “too small”

For your thinking is too small.

You ponder the size of it and wonder how you will manage it.

You want to make it smaller, and your slice of it larger.

I want to make it larger and your slice smaller.

For your portion will be so much larger than you anticipate.

For what percentage shall you have of that which is abundant?

Growth upon growth.

Growing before your eyes.

For it grows larger before your eyes.

Do you have a marketing plan for structure and define my growth?

Yet it bursts forth without your action!

Who is it that causes the plant to grow.

You are so used to the dried up branch, the brittle branch, the branch barely holding on to life.

Yet it shall not be as it was before.

For my glory is on display.

Your light has come.

The time of your light has come.

Your time in the spotlight has come.

The time of warmth.

The time of the abundant rain.

Growth like you have never seen before.

Where have you seen such growth before?

In the desert Lord!

For I will cause you to lie down in green pastures.

For this desert will become a lush green pasture.

Growth multiplied.

The multiplication of that which multiplies.

The seed of multiplication is evident, is evidence of my hand at work.

Beyond belief.

It shall be beyond any limitation.

More and more, more times of more.

For I just want you to laugh at it.

Seriously get ready to laugh.

For it cracks open before you.

I know you can do anything Lord, for I have seen it with my own eyes! Yet what is the form of agreement with the one I walk with?

The new mixed with the old.

The old mixed with the new.

Prophesy the new, expect the new, proclaim the new. Define and proclaim how it shall be.

Do not go over the old, in order to define the new.

For the new shall define the old.

Speak to the things that are not as though they are.

Write the vision and make it plain.

For I will give you the words.

Prophesy alignment, anticipate alignment, for I shall bring forth alignment.

Expect more.

Expect more from me.

Anticipate the birthing of more.

Rest your hand upon it and watch as it grows, for growth shall multiply growth, 2, 4, 16, 32. To the power of.

Threads intertwined.

Separate but together.

Together but separate.

Tied together but separate.

Defined but meshed together.

Not independent.

Two are better than one, and a three fold cord is not easily broken.

Feel the strength of the cord.

Prophesy strength to the cord.

Be of one accord.

For there shall be room for more.

An expansion.

Prophesy an expansion.

Get excited about the birth, the rebirth, the unfurling of all that I have promised.

For it shall be magnificent.

You go in, expecting restoration, but come out transformed, to be so much more than ever before.

For you know how this story ends.

You feel the descent into darkness, the end of all that was, the stopping of all that movement, the end of the movement, to the place of complete rest.

You know all that I have promised.

Yet to the crawler, flying appears as a complete fantasy.

To the crawler the concept of oversight a complete mystery, for you only know what it is like to look up, and you have to contort yourself to every see above you.

Yet you do not know what it is like to be transformed, you only know what it is like to be limited.

For what is to come is so beyond your belief.

You speak of it to others, but struggle with it yourself.

I show you want is to come, and you feel the limitation within and without.

Yet you have seen the work of my hands.

Is not life with me so easy?

I bring someone to you, a complete stranger, someone who doubts themselves, who considers themselves limited, and yet within moments she is the one I have called to bring expansion.

You feel the contraction, yet all I see is expansion.

From within it feels like a contraction, yet from without it is an expansion.

For it is not as it seems.

Do not come to your senses, only walk with me, and watch me open that which is closed before you.

Let go of your worries, only one thing is needed, just be still and know.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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